Narugami(haha see what i did there)

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As soon we arrived, there were a lot of young samurai in training. There was this samurai that caught my eye, he was getting laughed at from all of his classmates and getting scolded by his sensei. He walked madly and came towards my direction. He bumped into my shoulder.

"Watch it will you!" He yelled.

"What a looser," i mumbled.

"What did you say!?" He came running and pulled his sword, I pulled mines quickly. I dodged all of his moves, man was he slow. He wasn't good at handling his weapon either.
I twisted his arm to his back and held my sword on the back of his head. I sighed.
What an idiot.

"Haha what kind of samurai is he!?" One yelled.

"He even lost to a ninja and get this... BY A GIRL TOO!" They all laughed, even the sensei laughed.

What a bunch of jerks! I helped him up and he ran to where the mountains were.

"Hey! Wait!" Gramps stopped me, "I have to go gramps! If I want to be a child of prodigy, then I have to be with good conditions with everyone I meet right? I also feel really bad," I rubbed my arm in guilt.
"I'll be back pervy gramps!" I ran to where the ravened headed samurai went too.

He was training.

Hm, after that loss? I smiled. I went to the branch and hanged from my legs.

"Hey there!" I waved, he was giving me the cold shoulder.
"Look, Im sorry... I couldn't helped myself." He stoppped training.
"What's your name?" I asked.

Why should you care?" He coldly asked.

"I care because you remind me of myself... I would always get laughed at by my classmates as well, I was once weak too. But that didn't stopped me from being a ninja, a strong one at least..." he turned to me.

He had black clothing, raven hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the same age as me.

"Well at least you aren't hated by everyone because of something you didn't do! Or what is rumored!" He's right I didn't understand how he felt.

"You're right I don't understand, but I do understand how alone you are!" His head dropped. "Let's try this again... what's your name?" I said calmly.

"Yato," he said smoothly.

"Hm Yato huh? I'm y/n Namikaze," I jumped of the tree and shook his hand.
"Why are you hated you say?" I could help him with that.


"Hey y/n!"

Nows not the time pervy gramps!

"...Come let's go!" My head dropped.

"Talk to you later?" I waved to him good bye and ran up to gramps.

"Welcome Jiraya and..." I looked at gramps if it was okay to say my full name. He nodded.

"Nn Namikaze sir," I noted. The old samurai man nodded. We were given more information about these incidents and why'd they happened.
It's weird if you ask me.

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