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Two days had past. You loosened up during those days. Also your leg got a lot better. Whenever you felt tensed, you would train as hard as you can. You had a feeling Obito will awaken his sharigan, that means you had to train twice as hard. The next day...

First Person
I'm so excited! Obito, Dad, and the team were coming back home! I set up the table for the team to eat. I even helped mom cook.

The doorbell rang. Mom went to get it. As I walked over there, they had long faces. I smiled.

Kakashi looked different, Rin looked terrified, and Dad looked serious.

I laughed nervously, "haha uh- where's Obito?"

Everyone stayed silent.
As soon Kakashi was talking, i suddenly couldn't hear anything, my ears started to ring.
My smile turned into a frown.
I turned my back to Kakashi and walked to my room.

Kakashi's POV
As she walked away from us, my heart couldn't handle it. I broke a promise but so did he.

"Y/n!" Sensei's wife yelled. Y/n ignored and continued to walk to the room.

"We'll handle this y'know. But now eat something, we prepared you food." The door closed. I frowned under my mask. Rin and sensei are already sitting at the table.

"Come on Kakashi, eat with us. If you want, I'll explain it to her carefully, I know you mean well and so does y/n. Now eat up." Sensei insisted.

I looked at the closed door. I can't forgive myself, damnit! I walked over to the table and ate.
Y/n didn't joined us, which is fine. I'm a bigger loser than Obito.

First Person
I cried myself in the corner, remembering Obito and I's friendship. How it all started to our last memories together.

I unlocked the door, and climbed out off the window. I sat on the roof looking at the full moon and stars shining so brightly. I put my head on my knees.

I felt alone. Mad. From all the feelings I felt, I mostly felt mad. Kakashi didn't kept his promise! Obito didn't either! But what done is done.

"I'll miss that idiot." I snorted while looking at the moon.

"Hey honey! How are ya?" It was mom. I When she sat next to me, I hugged her tight and cried loudly. She hugged me back and stroked my hair.
I can't take this anymore!

Third person
As y/n and Kushina were on the roof, team minato were still down eating. Minato noticed Kakashi wasn't acting like himself.

"Since this was our last mission and this was unexpected, all I have to say is... we need to be strong! Strong for Obito! Let's make him proud from what we accomplish in the future!" Everyone's head nodded.

They all walked to the door. Rin said goodbye and told him to take care of y/n.

"Hey Kakashi..." minato bent down and put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, "I know that you're worried about her, I know that you made a promise to her! It wasn't your fault, it was mine for thinking you guys could handle it! We'll talk to her and hopefully make things normal again, I can't promise, but I... we'll try..." he explained while looking at his wife and daughter on the top of the roof.

"Goodnight Kakashi, don't get this through your head." He smiles.

Kakashi smiles back, "goodnight sensei thank you!" He walked away.
The door was closed.

First person
My dad then came in and sat from the right of me. He hugged me. They both did. They both knew how much Obito meant to me. Damnit. I cried for another twenty minutes. I just couldn't believe it!

"Y/n..." Dad said in a serious tone,"it was my fault, don't blame Kakashi for this!" I stopped everything from what I was doing.

"No Dad! It's not your fault! I already knew you were going to separate yourself from the team, and it wasn't a mistake! It was a great move for you to make y'know... but also you didn't promised me anything, and I didn't even asked you for a promise dad," I said coldly, "it's not your fault okay? If Kakashi wasn't so stubborn about the ninja rules, then none of this would've happened. I believe that happened right? It sounds like Kakashi, and he let one of them, I believe Rin, behind. Right? And And I believe Obito went to go help Rin, while Kakashi wanted to stick to the mission right?"

I was getting angrier and angrier. It wasn't Dad's fault. Just stop.

"Kakashi made a promise Dad! And he broke it! Will I forgive him ever!? Maybe not! Not now anyways! He just a coward, just like his dad!" I blurred out. Minato then became angry but calm.

"Stop it y/n, that isn't true!" I then got up and climb into the window, and shut it. This is how it feels huh? Loneliness.

"Stupid idiot" I mumbled while looking at the ceiling. I smiled and the water works became once more.

I loved you

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