Lonely Boy

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As we arrived the village, it kind of looked deserted.
"Hey where's everyone?" I asked the two men who were walking past me.

"The new genin are graduating today!" The men explained.

I got off of Jiraya and ran to the academy.
"Hey y/n! Remember don't-"
"Yeah yeah I know, I'll wear my black cloak, I'll just watch and not approach." I continued to run.

Naruto, I hope you finally did it! Make Mom and Dad proud!

I stood on top of the academy building, looking at every child and parent with their smiles. I saw a boy on the swings by himself. Lonely and sad.


I stood in front of two women, not noticing that they were looking at Naruto as well. His sadness distracted me from this world.

"Hm serves him right!" The lady behind me gossiped.

"He doesn't deserve to be a ninja," the other agreed. I turned around and took off my hood from the cloak.

Got anything to say now bitches?

"As you were saying?" I looked at them blankly, "you don't deserve to be in this village if you can't appreciate what my dad- or the lord fourth has done. He and his wife sacrificed their lives in order to give their child a future and the future generations. Just be grateful for that okay? Quit judging my little brother for something he hasn't done, grow fucking up, alright?" they stayed silent.

They better shut their mouths or I'll show them what's up!

I turned to look at Naruto again, but he wasn't there anymore. Where can he be?

I walked away from the crowd and thought of what Naruto has been going through after all this time. I bumped into a small girl.

"Oops sorry," she had short black hair with purple eyes, a hyuga huh?
She was looking at the empty swing. Was she looking at Naruto? Cute.

"Are you lost? Do you want me to walk you home?" She nodded.
"Where you looking at Naruto?" I asked while walking with her.

"Uh- no, no," she quietly said. This is so cute! She's one of those shy kids I bet.

"You know, knowing the knuckle head he is
he might like girls who are confident," she looked up, I smiled at her.

"He might like you. You're the first person I've seen that has acknowledged him, I appreciate that! I really do." I patted her head.
"You're a hyuga right?" She nodded,"i figured, you're eyes are so pretty!" She blushed, so cute. We finally got to the hyuga residence. I knocked.

"Lady Hinata, I'm glad you're okay, now get inside." He must be her father. He looked at me,
"you're the lord fourth's daughter?" I nodded, he slammed the door to my face.

What the hell? I shook it off.
I went to the hotel where gramps was. I told him about what happened, it bothered me.
I fell asleep while gramps was telling me some advice.

Naruto's Older Sister (Kakashi x Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz