Where The Hell Are You?

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It became dark. The moon wasn't up. Hm weird. I got to the flower shop. I saw ino there huh. I guess her parents own the place. I grabbed five boquete of flowers, beautiful ones.

"Are these for your own self sensei," she rudely said.

"No, there no time in worrying about myself.... these are for my ghostly friends and family if you know what I mean." She was shocked. She suddenly felt bad. I could just sense it. "It's okay ino, it doesn't effect you, i don't want you to be part of the party either way. None of my new comrades. See ya." I paid and walked away.

I cleaned shins grave. It looked like no one visited him in a long time.

Forgive me Shin.

I walked to Rins and Obito's, they looked in good conditions. Kakashi might've been here.

Sorry Rin.
Sorry Obito.

walked to my parents grave. They looked in good condition too.

I'm home mom and dad. Forgive me.

I walked to my grave. It weird and once again it was in good condition. I grabbed the picture that was on there. It was the picture of the team.
God is some pealing onions from a distance.
I hugged it.

I miss you all.

I walked home. I sensed something bad. There was a breeze. I turned my head around. Hm nothing. I looked forward. It was my bully.

"You won't give up," I laughed.
"No, I guess not." He chuckled.
"Fine if it takes you to stop bothering me, then okay you got yourself a date." I smiled. He took me to a bar/restaurant. Guy and Asuma were there, but they seem to didn't notice me. So I thought.

"Would you like something to eat?"

He's planning something I just know it!

"Yeah give me a sec, you order first." He ordered a miso soup.
"I Would like the same thing please." We both ordered the same drinks. Our food and drinks came.
He thought I didn't noticed him putting some sort of drug in my drink. I asked him to get me some tissues, and so he did.
I switched my soup and drink to his, what an asshole. We ate and talked, he mostly talked about himself. how pathetic.

"Anyways, how about you and me go to my place after this," he touched my thigh.
My eye twitched
Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me.

He was leaning for a kiss. Before our lips could touch. I head butted him! When he was busy touching his forehead. i pushed him and I kicked his crotch

"Get your fucking hands off of me." Of course I made a big scene, no girl should ever go through that. Some men are just pigs I swear! I continued to kick his nuts.

"Y/n! Y/n! Calm down." Guy pulled me off, Asuma apologized.

"We saw what happened, and we were go to go over there and solve it but you beat us too it." Asuma stated. I suddenly shed a tear.

"Damnit!" I cried into Guy's chest. They both comfort me. That really didn't effect me but thinking what could've happened did. I now see why Kakashi was trying to protect me.

Where the hell is he anyways?
The boys walked me to my home. I felt kinda safe. I hugged them goodbye,
damnit why am I so soft.

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