The Message

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"Have you talked to y/n yet?" Asuma smirked. I grew in shock, hm I guess he knows.

"No, not yet."

"Have you told y/n on what Obito told you?" So he knows.

"How do you know, about Obito giving a message?"

"Well Kakashi, i once over heard them talking, if one of them dies without them being on their side, they'll find a way to tell them about something that they'll never tell them again, once they're dead."
Wow their commitment was strong then.

"What was the message anyways?" He grabbed a toothpick.

"Kakashi... please take care of Rin for me, and y/n most importantly too. You know, I always thought she would go to your side, but she stood to mine. My time has come to an end... Come over here Kakashi, and let me ask you one more thing." Kakashi went to Obito's side, "tell y/n that... i loved her, not as a friend though," Obito chuckled, "tell her to be one of the strongest ninja that ever lived, I'll be watching over her. Tell her to not to worry about me,  I'll be fine. Tell her... to stop being mean to boys, she'll never get a boyfriend at this rate. Lastly tell her... that I just loved her, the warmth of her, and her soft words." Soon the cave began to crash.

"Leave Kakashi now!"

Back to the story

Asuma was pretty shocked to hear this.
"And you didn't tell her? Why exactly??"
'Cause I don't want to hurt her, I thought.
The girls came back.

"See ya Kakashi, see ya Rin." Asuma and Kurine left.

"Do you want to go home Rin?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could.. you know have a date night?"
Not this again! Really? Obito's death wasn't clear for you of how he felt for you? I will not break the bro code! I don't even like her anyways, but I have to protect her.

"Uh- I'm quite tired, Rin, maybe next time." Rin frowned. I gave her a smile.

"I promise."

I dropped her home. I then went to see my father. It was very chilly. As I walked, I saw someone at the cemetery as well. They were at obito's tombstone. They've seem cried. I couldn't see who it was it was so dark.

"Obito... I miss you," her voice weakened.

As I was walking to my dad's grave, I suddenly stepped on branch. She immediately turned around.
The wind was blowing her long hair to the side, with her tears going the same away.


We started at each other for a while, just in silence. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I just want to give her a hug and tell her than everything's okay... As I walked towards her. She disappeared in to the thick darkness.


First Person
As I walked home, I thought of what happened. That idiot Kakashi.

I open the door and saw that dad got home early. Huh?

He spit out his drink as soon as he saw me and Mom... well let's say she looks like a very scary monster. I laughed nervously.

"Y/n Nazemalk!!" They both yelled.

Oh right! I never told them about being in the Anbu. Silly me.

"Uh... surprise!" They both face palmed. Guess who's dead? Me!

I sat next to dad so he can protect me from Mom. I might seem tough but really I'm scared of my own mother.

I told them why I joined and it took time for them to process this. My father thought it was a good idea! But Mom hasn't gone to dad's level yet. As she brought the food to our table, she screamed.

"Is that a tattoo I see!!?" Both my dad and I face palmed. This is going to be a long night.
Minuets have passed. My mom seem to be calm at this point.

"So when your first mission?" Dad suddenly asked. "Tomorrow in the early morning." He nodded.

"Where to?" I actually didn't know where.
"I don't know, they didn't tell me anything." He sighed.

"Well y/n, just father to daughter, don't do anything stupid or dumb okay? Also-"

"don't get killed!" My Mom cut him off. I laughed.

"It's okay guys! I can protect myself, I promise that I won't get killed! I'll make it through ya know!" I assured. My mom then walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Just be careful okay?," she softly said. I hugged back.

"I promise," my father joined in the hug.

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