Anbu Black Ops

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A week has past. Kakashi, Rin, Guy, Kurinia all became Junin, and y/n? Well she kept on rejecting the offer.

Y/n took a little break on being a ninja. But she still trained harder than anyone in the village.

She train all new techniques including; Flying thunder God, Eight Trigrams Sealing Styles, Shadow Clone, your sensing skills, summoning(toads, pumas, ninja cats, (insert whatever summoning animal you'll like), the Rasengan, Earth style wall, basically every justsu Minato had, except sage mode. Y/n also was trying to improve her tijustsu with Guy and Duy, which you won most rounds. Genjutsu, well Kurenai taught you of course, along with her parents, y/n eventually got better and is at Kurenai level.

"Hey y/n?" She said while we trained.


"Have you talked to either Rin or Kakashi yet?"

I stopped, "No... not yet I'm not ready to see them or confront them y'know? But yes I know, i have too sooner or later." You guys were in the forest training.

"Are you y/n Namikaze?" A masked man suddenly appeared. An anbu? Y/n thought.

"Yes. Yes I am. What do you want?" Y/n said trying to make a plan to escape.

"Lord Third would like to see you..." huh why?

"Um okay? See you later Kurenai? I guess" y/n said in confusion.

What does lord third want? What the heck?

First Person
"I'm here Lord Third" I bowed.

"Ah y/n, you're here!" He said excitedly as he turned his chair around to see me, "I called you to make you an offer once more, a better one." He took a hit of his pipe.

"I told you lord third, I don't want to be a Junin. Not now-"

"I know you're still hurt from Obito's passing, but don't you think it's time to move on? I know he meant a lot to you, and I too had lost someone I loved. Sooner or later I had to move on my sorrows, to what they would've had wanted for me!"
He was right maybe it is time too move on, "And no y/n Im not offering you to be a junin, but part of my Anbu! I've seen you through my crystal ball and saw you training hard and improving! You know what a real Shinobi is, you have the Will of Fire! You are truly a prodigy just like your father!"

I knew it! I felt someone as they were watching me!

"...Also It would be great for you to get out this feeling of yours out, it might improve everything that your going through right now!"

Anbu huh?

"You don't have to say yes right now, think about it for a while y/n. You're dismissed." I left the office and thought.

Maybe it is a good idea... Maybe I should start to move on. Obito would like that. I need to keep my word on surpassing that loser Kakashi! Also I need to stabilize my emotions. Haven't felt like myself for a year now.

I smirked. I went to my training center and trained and thought of being an Anbu. I then took a break, I went to the shade of the tree. The wind felt great. I had my eyes closed and I thought of what Obito would say.

"Do it! I don't want you to be behind if others because of me okay? Just do it! I want your dreams to come true, to become a reality."
Obito? I open my eyes.

It became dark, the moon was bright and the stars were shining. Damnit It was just a dream.

Morning then came. I didn't tell anyone about this offer. I've decided... yes. Yes I will become an Anbu in order to fulfill Obito and I's goal when we first met. Surpass Kakashi and beat at his own game!

I haven't talked to Kakashi nor Rin in weeks, I ignored them or don't bump into them whenever I spot them. I wasn't ready to face them, then it would just be awkward and weird. I haven't forgiven Kakashi, I-I just don't know anymore.

I dashed away to the Hokage's office. I bent my knee.

"Ah y/n, you've decided I believe?" I nodded.

"Lord Third... I would like to become part of the Anbu!" I smirked.

"Splendid! Hyou, please get her the Anbu uniform, after he puts her uniform, tattoo on her arm." A masked man appeared outta no where.

Nice. Wait tattoo?? I'm only thirteen! I didn't agree to this! Too late the masked man took me to a deemed place. It looks pretty old and rusty.

"Here's your uniform and mask," the masked man said.

"Thank you uh-" not knowing his name.

"The name's Hyou, I will train you and teach you the basics of the Anbu but first put on your uniform and mask." I waited for Hyou to leave. But he didn't.

"Ahem... some privacy please??"

"Oh right right... I'm just used to young men being an anbu, you are the first youngest female to enter the Anbu." He laughs nervously and walks out quickly. I quickly took off my clothes.

As I put on my uniform I looked at the puddle near the corner. Hm, I actually look pretty good in this. I then put on my mask. Completely badass now.
I open the door and saw Hyou leaning again the wall.

"Ah finally! Time for the tattoo!"

Y/n, you can do this! You can friggin do this! I thought. I got this.

"Ready y/n?" I nodded. The process began and it wasn't so bad actually. I walked over to the puddle and looked again. Fuck yes. I started to leave but...

"Don't forget. Tomorrow's your first mission of the anbu! Be here early in the morning." I bowed and nodded.

Naruto's Older Sister (Kakashi x Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora