The Future

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Yato and Nora walked us to the entrance of the village. It's too bad we're leaving, I want to stay a little longer.

"Naruto hop on my shoulders!" Saskue and Sakura seemed really annoyed.
"Why does HE get to get on! Let one of us get a chance! Is he your favorite!?" Sakura madly spoke.

"No... not at all..." i lied, of course he is! He's my little brother after all! "... I just... fine, Sasuke hop on!" Sakura's head dropped.

"WHAT!?" Naruto yelled. Sasgay blushed. I picked him up and out him on my shoulders.
"How is it up there?" I asked.
"Hmph," I don't if that was a great or bad???
Everyone started to argue and so did I.
These kids sure are annoying.

Yato's POV
I watched as y/n and the team argued. I noticed kakashi was watching and smiling as well. I sighed. Relationships don't last forever, but if Kakashi ever has the balls to ask her out, I'm sure they'll last forever.

"Listen kakashi," he turned around, "I know you love her as much as I do. But by looking how you look at her, and judging how you treat her, I understand that you love her in a different level than I do. What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry that i was acting like a jerk towards you. I was just selfish for not letting you take y/n away from me! I just never learned to let go, she's the one that's making me a mess." I laughed and so did he, "if I can't, which I don't think it's possible since she has a job to do, have her on my side, i think you're the perfect one for her. Again I'm sorry for the trouble I caused, y/n just means the world to me. I know if she stays here, she won't be happy." He one eyed smile.

"Kakashi! We're going to start heading if you don't hurry up!" Y/n annoyingly yelled. She hugged Nora and waved goodbye to me.

I weaken my smiled at her. Will I ever see her again? Kakashi put his hand out. A hand shake? What a great way to start a friendship. I smiled.

Kakashi's POV
"I guess I was a little to rude too," I scratched my head. "And thanks, I hope we come again another day and start over. You're a great Lord, you honestly give me hope for Naruto in being Hokage some day." He twitched his eye and laughed.
What's that suppose to mean???

"Goodbye Yato, see you," I turned away. As I was about to go leave I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.

"I just remembered something," he smirked, "I have one last request, maybe perhaps two..."


"Take care of y/n, protect her no matter what..." I gave him a thumbs up.
"I will don't worry!"
"Also you better invite me to the both of you guys' wedding!" I turned red as hell.


"Yeah! I have a feeling you guys are going to stay together and forever!" He scratched his nose, "so please don't forget that or else..." he sharpened his sword. I laughed and I uncovered my eye.

We both stared at each other then laughed.
"I won't forget! I highly doubt she has the same feelings for me, but thanks." I ran and waved goodbye. They're probably half way home.

It's not possible is it? Me married to y/n?

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