Part 23

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Part 23

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“So what were you and Charlie talking about last night?” Suze asked Stanley the next morning in their car ride home. Everyone got into three groups: 1) Stanley, Suze, and Noelle.  2) Edward, Beth, and Mona. 3) Drew, Miranda, and Charlie. The first people in each group are the ones that were driving and the cars were following each other in that order on their way to the Hamilton Mansion.

“Nothing. It was just normal every day guy talk,” Stanley answered, and turned left around a corner with one red Mercedes Benz, and one sliver Toyota Tacoma truck doing the same behind his black Lamborghini.

“Guy talk? You mean a talk about the latest hits and girls, and….” Suze said, dragging it out.

“No, no! We weren’t—“

Stanley stopped talking when he met “The Look” from Suze. He and his sister named it, “The Look”, because every time she knows that we’re about to lie, she gives us a dark face and a cocked eyebrow.

“Okay, yes, we were talking about that but it was mostly Charlie, I swear,” Stanley admitted.

“I believe, so…did you two talk about me?” Suze wondered, making Stanley laugh.  A smirk played on his lips.

“Yeah, we did, well he did. Charlie said some naughty things about you.”

Suze’s adrenalin rushed. “Really? Like what?”

“I can’t say. It’s some pretty nasty stuff,” Stanley exaggerated. Oh, Charlie was going to get killed for this. He was going to get quite a show when he gets home.

“Tell me,” Suze demanded. If Charlie had said anything that she didn't approve of, he was done for. Suze was used to Charlie saying some inappropriate things about her back when she and Stanley were still dating but she thought that Charlie laid off on the dirty compliments when they got married.

"I can't. Noelle's in the car," Stanley said, making up a excuse.

"She won't hear a thing. She's asleep," Suze told him and looked back to see that Noelle was sleeping peacefully in her booster chair.

"But sometimes, she likes to pretend that she's sleeping so she can hear in on conversations."

"She's only one years old. She's not going to understand it."

"But she'll hear it and replay it in her little brain until one day she is able to say it out loud."

"Stanley, if you don't tell me what Charlie said right now, your leg won't be the only thing that's injured."

Miranda laughed as Charlie told her another hilarious story about his previous girlfriends. She was in the backseat with Charlie while Drew was, furiously, driving. It was annoying Drew on how Charlie was repeatedly flirting with Miranda behind him in the same car.

Drew hated how his arm was around her, and how close they were. It was almost like they were thinking about hooking up right then and there. If he even dared to kiss her, Drew would go off at him.

"Are you serious?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, I'm serious. She was talking in her sleep and then she kept saying my name. That was the night that I knew that I had to break with her because I could tell that she was getting clingy," Charlie commented. 

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