Part 2

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Part 2


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"This is my entire fault," Stanley said. He was constantly blaming himself about Suze being upset to his friends. "I should've done something to make her feel comfortable. I shouldn't have pressured her."

"Stanley, it's not your fault," Charlie Mason disagreed. Charlie is the Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and is a great friend of Stanley. Like Stanley's other military friends, he took the week off his job to go to his wedding in the very beautiful location of Southern California in Los Angeles.

Charlie didn't know why they didn't have an outdoor wedding. Though, he had to admit that this very indoor wedding looked amazing with the wonderful flowing colorful lines and themes. Their main colors are black, gray, and white,   the wine service was nice and at the same time, Charlie was able to get about ten numbers from very pretty, nicely bodily formed woman. It couldn't get better than this for him. Charlie thought that this is the perfect scenery for a wedding ceremony. He was disappointed to hear that Suze wasn't cooperating. "You didn't even know she felt this way until now."

"Things might look bad now but it'll pick up at the end," Miranda promised.

Stanley sighed. "I might as well cancel the wedding...again."

"How about we wait for a while before we do that?" Miranda suggested. "Maybe she'll change her mind and come."

Stanley shook his head. He knew he blew it this time. He blew Suze over the limit. "I don't think so." Stanley got up from his chair and fixed the tie under his suit. "I'll be right back."

Suze's mother, Marie, in a blue dress and Suze's step-father, George, in a black and white suit, were waiting for Stanley's response. They had heard about their daughter's change in mind and wanted to know if the wedding was still set on.

"Is anything any better?" Marie asked, worried. Miranda had told her that Suze sounded like she was having some kind of break down.

"No." Stanley said.

"I knew that you would do something like this. After all the stuff you have put her through, I can't believe she gave you another chance," George commented in disgust. George loves Suze like she was really his daughter, and was overprotective of her. If anything or anyone had harmed his little girl, George would throw a tantrum.

"George," Marie snapped. "You promised me that you wouldn't say anything."

"No, no, no," Stanley began. "He's right. That's what she's crying about. She thinks that the times when I broke her heart are signs that are saying that we aren't meant to be."

George let out a harsh laugh. "She's finally seen the light."

"Don't mind, George. He's just worried about Suze and wants to know if she's okay. I think that this isn't more than just a faze. She might just be comparing her relationship with you with my old relationships," Marie sighed. "Just know that Suze is going through something emotional at the moment. She needs time."

Stanley nodded, understanding. He hoped that his love was close to her decision and that she made the right one.

Suze smiled as the wind picked through her hair. It was very windy at ten-thirty at night. Suze was at the balcony while everyone else was partying and celebrating Stanley being back home.

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