Part 14

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Part 14

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 Stanley sighed as he wrote the last few lines of his letter.


                      Once again love, I am very sorry that I won’t be there when you are in labor. Merry Christmas.

                         Love you always,

                                                  Stanley Hamilton

Stanley folded his letter in half and slipped it in a red envelope. He licked it shut and wrote his name in cursive on the back of the envelope. He was going to have one of his fellow soldiers put it in the mail box for him while he stayed at the computer calculating the data and the money that will be needed in the military base as they prepared for a battle.

All of a sudden, Stanley heard a bunch of knocks on the door. Stanley got up from the computer chair, and went to open the door to find out who was making all that racket.

Of course it was Charlie, who was now sweating from out of exhaustion for running over here. He took a breathier before beginning to talk.

“Stanley,” He said then took another breath. “You’re never going to believe what happened.”

“What? A girl dumped you?” Stanley guessed, not interested.

“No. Like that is ever going to happen,” Charlie said. “Anyway, Miranda called me—“

“Wait a minute,” Stanley paused. “My sister called you?”

“Yes and—“

“What was it? A wrong number?” Stanley interrupted again.

“No! Now can you please just listen?” Charlie snapped. Stanley went quiet, waiting for Charlie to say what was so important.

“Miranda and Suze had planned to come here for Christmas to surprise you,” Charlie began.

“Really? Are they okay? Are they here?”

“Well, not exactly,” Charlie said. “They are okay from what I have heard but they aren’t here. They’re here in New York, but they aren’t here here.”

“What are you talking about, Charlie?” Stanley asked.

“Suze gave birth on the plane,” Charlie answered, causing Stanley’s eyes to widen.

“What? She wasn’t due for another three weeks!” Stanley shouted, and started to think. If Suze went into labor that meant the baby was out, and he was officially a father. Stanley grew nervous. If only Suze knew the truth about Stanley’s feelings.

“I know but everything’s fine. The baby is good & healthy, and Suze is the same. They’re at Washington Jackson Local Hospital that’s about two miles away,” Charlie explained.

Stanley grabbed his black leather coat and headed to the door. “Thank you Charlie. I owe you one.”

“More like a million,” Charlie replied as he followed Stanley out the door, and down the hall. He stopped walking when Stanley placed his hand on his chest.

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