Part 17

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Part 17

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"Don't go in the room! Don't go in the room!" Suze chanted as Miranda bit her nails, scared. They were watching a teen fiction movie called Zombie High. It was about three sophomore girls named Monique, Madison, and Lily who are best friends. A zombie disguised as a human goes to their high school as the new boy and is really planning to eat each female student's brain one by one. They were at the scene where Lily is the last one alive, and invites the zombie over at her house. While Lily was downstairs, the zombie went inside Lily's mother's room, and ate her mother's brain. Lily could hear the screams from the room, and was terrified to open the door as she got closer and closer.

Yes it was childish for Miranda and Suze to watch a stupid zombie movie but it was Movie Night, and they were bored. Drew was working overtime again, and was considering to ask his boss if Miranda can work with him. Beth and Edward went out for dinner and Suze's family were at Hawaii fr some kind of celebration that Suze coldn't go too because of Noelle. It was late and Noelle was already in bed. 

"Of course she's going to go in the room! She's an idiot!" Miranda muttered. "Why would she invite a zombie at her house?"

"It's like she knew Max was a zombie. She just thought he was hot," Suze defended.

"Well, she should've noticed the signs of the blood on him. But she believed him when he said it was just ketchup. So stupid," Miranda added, harshly.

As soon as Miranda finished speaking, Lily opened the door, and immediately was pulled in the room, and was beginning to be eaten alive by Max.

"Ya' see, pure stupid," Miranda commented. "You just wonder how girls like her live today!"

"What's the point of zombie suspense movies, anyway?" Suze said.

" have zombies and be suspenseful," Miranda said, trying to make Suze look stupid.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what I mean."

"I don't know but this is an old movie. These days, top immortal movies just includes vampires, and werewolves. Hardly witches and angels too." Miranda stated, and looked back at the computer screen. Her eyes widen. "Oh my god! Lily's big sister is at the door!"

Suze glued her eyes back at the screen. There she was; Melody, Lily's eighteen year old sister, She was just got home from her date with her new boyfriend, and just expected to get back in bed.

"Oh my god! Max is going to the door! Runaway, Melody! Runaway!" Miranda shouted at the screen as if Melody could really hear her.

Then in a semi-second, the screen went black and started making a static noise.

"What! No! What's going on?" Suze cried. "What happens to Melody?"


Then the screen changed from black to the Seven News channel to show the news anchor, Martha Simmons as she presented the Breaking News: "Hello, and this is Martha Simmons giving you the breaking and urgent news all the way from Washington D.C. The Main National D.C. Army base has exploded from a nuclear bomb....."

"Oh my god! Miranda put up the volume!" Suze commanded. Miranda took the remote controller, and increased the volume level as requested.

"......It is stated that this bomb was implanted by the people from Iraq, and are further investigating.This bomb attack happened less than a few hours before the war was planned to happen and believe the Iran was up to this. The war has been put on hold until further notice of how many soldiers are needed from other states other than from Washington.  All we know is that many of the soldiers who did not make it out of the buildings in time have died, and those who were outside are dead as well. Few are injured, and we wait to find out how many has survived. This is Seven News, and we'll be right back."

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