Part 6

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Part 6


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Stanley smiled as he finished reading the email Suze sent him. He missed her dearly and knew that Suze was waiting for his return. If he could just persuade John to let him off a week again to visit his wife, then maybe he could feel her warmth and love that he has been missing for the last six months.

Then a knock came on the door, and Stanley turned around in his computer chair, the back blocking the laptop. The door opened to reveal Charlie.

"Hey man! What’ cha doing?" Charlie said. "I've been looking for you all over the place."

"Um...Nothing...” Stanley replied nervously. 

Charlie cocked an eyebrow, suspicious and walked up to Stanley. He pushed Stanley off the computer chair with his strength and took a seat himself.

"Hey!" Stanley shouted as he got up from the ground.

"Aw...Suze sent you a love email. How cute," Charlie complimented.

"Whatever, Charlie." Stanley mumbled, growing tired of his lovey-dovey sarcastic compliments. But Stanley knew that Charlie was happy that Suze had agreed to marry him at the end. He was one of the main supporters of the marriage in the first place and wished Suze and him the best of luck.

Charlie began to read the email Suze sent Stanley and frowned at the end. "Hey! I'm not arrogant!" Charlie disagreed.

"Ohyesyou are!" Stanly grumbled.

"Okay, I may be cocky, a show-off, a player, I may over-exaggerator, act like a smart-ass, be competitive, have anger issues, bi-polar, be a bit insecure, handsome, hot--"

"Does this list ever end?" Stanley interrupted.

"--and sexy," Charlie finished with a smirk and Stanley rolled his eyes. "But I am not arrogant."

"Well, why don't you email her and complain about it?" Stanley suggested annoyed.

"You're right. I will," Charlie was about to press Message but Stanley took him by surprise and pushed him off the seat.

"Now we're even," Stanley declared as he sat back on his seat.

Charlie groaned as he got on his feet. His eyes were back on the screen. "Hey, you got an email from … Mona?"

Stanley's eyes widen as he looked at the screen. He didn't believe his eyes. Mona was still trying to contact him even after, indirectly, rejecting her.

Stanley clicked Read and the email was displayed before them.



Dear Baby,

                   Long time no see. Long time no contact. Heard that there is going to be a Hamilton baby. Congrats. I'm very happy for you. I'm sorry about our last incident. I just really missed you and I couldn't believe that you dumped me for her. But now I know why. You must have been pressured. You thought that Suze was the best thing that ever happened in her life but you're wrong; I am and I always will. But if you are too blind to see it, then fine. Just know that I'll be there to give you a shoulder to cry on. I can't wait to meet Mrs. Hamilton again. I bet she'll be a real darling.

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