Kristin: Unexpected news

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It had been a few days since I had seen Derek making out with some skank in her car, and he had actually finally decided to make an appearance at school although he ignored me completely which was no surprise.
“You look a lot better.” I complimented Cory as he stood by my car, the bell had just rang and I wanted to go home but Cory wasn’t getting the hint.
He was still heavily bruised and had told me that his ribs were still bandaged and he had chipped a tooth which had cut up the inside of his mouth, but at least his broken nose was healing straight.
“Thanks, I really enjoyed having your company while I was in hospital.” He smiled.
“That’s what friends are for.” I stressed the word friends. I had visited him every day while he was in hospital. I felt it was my obligation but he was reading too much into it. I was there as his friend but that was all.
“I don’t know what I would have done without you,” Cory stepped closer towards me and I took a small step backwards.
“Cory I care about you but as a friend and my break up with Derek is still fresh, and I need some more time.” I tried not to sound harsh but I needed him to understand that I still wasn’t over Derek yet.
“Oh but you just need some time right, and then we can try being more than friends?” He asked hopeful.
“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders. I was still angry at myself for messing things up so terribly. I shouldn’t have broken up with Derek in the first place although it was typical that he would move on when I was finally ready to fight for him.
“So it’s not even a possibility?”
“Like I said Cory I don’t know at this moment first I need to get over Derek before I can even think of dating again.” I tried explaining although it didn’t look like he understood me at all.
“Can we go now?” Belle asked as she reached the car and I gave her a grateful smile before I returned my attention to Cory.
“Look I need to go but we’ll talk later okay?”
“Yeah okay,” Cory frowned as he gave me some space and I got in my car and headed home.
The house was completely silent as Belle and I entered the hallway and I gathered Grams was at the Hales and mom was at work, “I feel like popcorn do you want any?” I asked Belle as we entered the lounge room and threw our bags on the couch.
“Sounds good,” Belle replied and started to follow me into the kitchen which is where I found grams sitting on the floor leaning against the fridge.
“Grams?” I asked as I kneeled in front of her. Her eyes were blood shot and swollen and she looked paralysed. “Grams?” I asked again although she didn’t reply, she wasn’t even blinking.
“Grams?” I shouted and grabbed hold of her shoulders. I shook them not very hard, but just enough to make her body move and to maybe snap her out of her trance.
“They’re dead,” She finally spoke and I felt the fear and panic rise in my body instantly. I was bracing myself for the worst, that my father and brother had finally met a werewolf they couldn’t kill and my heart started to sink into a pit of sorrow and despair.
“Who’s dead grams?” I tried to sound fine and held together for Belle’s sake. She was standing beside me in silence although under the surface I was being consumed by fear.
“Fire . . . They burned.” My grams continued to stare right through me.
“What fire?” I was starting to lose my patience although the sorrow started to lessen. There was no way a fire was going to be the cause of death for my father and brother.
“Hales.” My grams muttered and that’s when I shot to my feet.
“Stay with grams okay?” I ordered Belle who nodded and then I ran to my car and sped towards the Hale house. I still couldn’t believe what my grams had just said. It couldn’t be true.
She is mistaken it’s the old age there’s no way Derek’s family is dead! I told myself as I broke the speed limit although it must have been my lucky day because I didn’t get caught.
Please be wrong please be wrong. I silently prayed. They were such nice people and Derek didn’t deserve to lose his family.
There were ambulances, police officers including my uncle the sheriff and a fire truck all scattered around the house which was half gone although it wasn’t burning anymore, but there was still smoke lifting into the air as well as some steam.
I saw Derek standing there motionless as I noticed Laura talking to my uncle. My legs took off and I ran towards him expecting him to tell me to fuck off, but he didn’t. His arms opened and he clung onto me and began to sob as I held him tight.
It was heartbreaking and it made me want to cry but I didn’t. I stayed strong for Derek and held him while his body shook and he shed his tears, and I wished that I could have taken his pain away, all of it.

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