Kristin: The Abduction Part 2

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I woke up to a beeping sound and it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust. I gathered I was in the hospital and that was when I felt someone gently squeeze my hand, “Derek!” I sat up and yelped as the pain surged through my body. My shoulders hurt and so did my cheeks and my thighs, the last thing I remembered was holding Derek who was dying.
I didn’t know if he was okay, or if he made it through and I felt the panic start to take over my body. First it felt like I was being suffocated by something invisible, then I felt my entire body begin to shake and lastly the tears started to fill my eyes.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” I heard his voice and felt his lips as they pressed against my forehead. I looked up at him to see he was fully healed and I sighed in relief as the events started to play through my mind. I remembered Derek’s eyes opening, and his chest which had begun to slowly rise again, and then we were in the car and that’s where my memories ended.
“He refuses to leave,” my father spoke and I shifted my gaze to the other side of the room, my father was sitting in a chair and looked like he hadn’t slept in days which made me wonder how long I had been asleep for.
“How long was I out for?” I asked.
“Coming up to 13 hours,” my father yawned.
“How long was I with her?”
“You were with Alyssa for over 24 hours,” my father continued to answer my questions and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it felt like I had been stuck in that concrete room for a week.
“Alyssa? So that’s her name.”
“Was her name,” my brother spoke as he walked into the room and stood beside my father’s chair. I was so happy to see my father and my brother Alex although I wished it was under better circumstances. I could still feel the pain as I relived the torturous the memories, the knife she lunged into my shoulder, her claws as they dug through skin and slashed down my thigh, and her hand as it connected with my face- her hand felt like a block of cement and I couldn’t help but wonder if I looked horribly disfigured, although my injuries were nothing compared to what Derek had suffered, just the thought made my eyes swell with tears.
“So you killed her?” I asked, and I couldn’t help but smile although I was a little disappointed, I wanted to kill that bitch!
“She and Julian have killed humans Kristin, we followed the code, it’s nothing you need to worry about,” my father assured me and I heard a growl come from Derek.
“Derek don’t,” I shook my head at him.
“I should go,” he spoke and stood to his feet, “I’ll see you later,” he smiled at me and kissed my lips.
“I love you,” he whispered in my ear.
“I love you too,” I smiled as he squeezed my hand one last time before he let go and walked out of the room.
“Can you not taunt my boyfriend please?” I scowled at my father.
“I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” my father replied as my brother walked around the bed and sat in Derek’s chair.
“How many people did they kill? Who did they kill?”
“They started to track down hunters and went after their families. The latest victims were a couple and their son,” my father replied and I instantly had the feeling of déjà vu.
“Was the young boy’s throat ripped out?”
Both my father and my brother looked at me in shock before they stared at each other, and they weren’t the only ones wondering what the hell.
“Did you tell her?” my father questioned my brother.
“No, did you?”
“No one told me,” I interrupted them both.
“But then how did you know?” my brothers blue eyes which looked almost identical to mine were staring at me with curiosity. We almost looked like twins with our olive complexions, blue eyes and dark hair, although he was born four years before me.
“I don’t know, I dreamt it but they were more like visions than dreams, I don’t know how to explain it, where’s mum and Belle and what are you guys doing in town?”
“What’s with all the questions? We saved your ass remember?” my brother asked me as he leaned forward in his chair.
“Your mother called us, after Julian attacked you. She told us that you knew the truth, all of it. Julian had been a wolf of interest for a while so we came to town to deal with him,” my father replied.
“So you killed Julian?”
“Yes, I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner but she had you hidden well, she even ditched your cell phone,” my father grabbed my hand and his brown eyes were filled with guilt and shame. I could see how badly he was beating himself up.
“Dad, you saved me you don’t need to feel guilty,” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. It hurt to move but the pain was manageable and I knew it was because of the pain killers. Thank god for pain killers.
“You’re uncle knows you’re in hospital and he also knows of the wounds, we told him you were kidnapped and held for ransom, but you don’t remember anything, are we clear?” my father asked.
“Yeah,” I nodded.
“Finally you’re awake!” Belle practically squealed and ran into the room and I knew she was going to jump on me. I braced myself for the wave of pain that was going to shoot through my body in response, although my father grabbed her before she had the chance to leap and I sighed in relief.
“Hey kiddo, how bad do I look?” I asked.
“You look like you got into a fight,” Belle smiled as she sat on my father’s knee, it had been a couple of months since I had seen them together and happy, and I forgot how much they looked alike with their brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair.
“So where’s mom?”
“She’s getting coffee with gram’s,” Belle chirped and part of me wished I was that age again, young, innocent and carefree without any responsibilities, and no knowledge of love and how it can tear you apart.
It scared me how much I loved Derek. I hadn’t realised until Alyssa started to torture him and nearly killed him. I felt like my world would cease to exist without Derek and it was too much, I felt like I was being torn into pieces, like my heart was torn from my chest with every injury that Alyssa inflicted on Derek.
“We’ll be back,” my father lifted Belle off of his lap and stood to his feet, kissing both Belle and I on the forehead.
“I love you girls, behave,” he smiled at us before he left the room.
“I’ll see you guys later,” my brother Alex hugged me and Belle goodbye before he followed after my father.
“Do you remember them? Were they scary?” Belle asked as she hoisted herself up on my bed and laid beside me.
“No, I don’t remember anything,” I replied as my mother and my grams walked into the small room.
I was still angry at my grandmother for what she had done, the way I saw it, she had nearly gotten Derek killed.
Don’t be so harsh, she brought Julian to town and he finally got what he deserved, my inner voice of reason spoke as my mother sat in the chair where my father was sitting, and my grams sat in the other chair.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” my mother smiled and a few tears fell down her cheeks.
“I think it’s cool, you can tell people you got into a fight and that you totally kicked the other persons butt,” Belle smirked as she lightly traced the bruise on my left cheek.
“I’m so sorry Kristin,” my grams apologised. The whites of her eyes which surrounded her blue irises were red and bloodshot and she looked like she hadn’t slept in a week, maybe even two.
“I know,” I replied, I couldn’t accept her apology, not yet, I still needed more time.
I spent a few days in hospital and another five stuck in my bed at home, but luckily I slept for most of it. Derek had dropped in every day after school, although I pretended to be asleep every time, and he would kiss me on the cheek before he walked out of my room.
I knew I was being terrible and I didn’t know why I was acting like a bitch, but I couldn’t stop myself. It still terrified me how much I loved Derek, but he was alive and I should have been happy to see him, happy to spend time with him but instead I was running and I couldn’t stop, no matter how much I wanted to.
“Wake up sleepy head,” Belle started to jump up and down on my bed.
“No, I’m not ready,” my cheeks were still bruised a dark yellow colour, it looked terrible, luckily I could hide my clawed shoulders, thighs and calves. Julian’s handy work was still healing as well. I may as well have been a god damn scratching post for werewolves.
“Get up, get up, get up, mum is making waffles,” Belle continued to jump on my bed, as soon as she mentioned waffles I was on my feet, getting in my night gown and slipping into my blue monster feet slippers.
“You had me at waffles,” I smiled at Belle who jumped off of my bed and raced past me.
“I’ll beat you,” she yelled and I chased after her.
“I don’t think so,” I continued to run down the hallway and down the stairs.
I knew everyone was going to stare at me as soon as I pulled into the car park. I had told Dee and Cassie the lie I told my uncle, that some crazy guys off their meds kidnapped me for money and they seemed to buy it. I was hoping that everyone already knew, the last thing I needed were people asking me questions about the worst day of my life.

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