Derek: Some people don't listen

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I was happy Nora had told Kristin the truth although I was worried at how Kristin would react. I even called Courtney an hour after I dropped Kristin off and she told me Kristin was in her room, and that Belle was comforting her but I wished it was me instead.
“Come on dude snap out of your thoughts I’m trying to apologise here,” Tane brought me back to reality.
Tane, Tina and I were sitting in the middle of the woods using our wolf vision which meant we didn’t have to bother with torches. It also meant that we couldn’t see the colour red which looked green to our wolf eyes but we could see blue and green fine. Everything else was black and white although we only needed it to see in the dark and not make out colours so it didn’t matter.
“It’s fine really,” I tried to convince Tane although I could still see that he still felt guilty, “Besides you aren’t the one that needs to apologise,” I focussed my attention on Tina.
“It was just dancing, your girl needs to chill.”
“Really that’s what you call just dancing?” Tane questioned.
“So what I’m meant to apologise to her?” Tine scoffed.
“That’s a start,” I answered.
“No way I’m not apologising,” Tina refused and I could see her shaking her head and waving her hands around.
“Tina?” Tane growled.
“You can growl at me all you want but I’m not apologising end of story.”
“Why not?” I asked. It was just two words what was so hard about saying two words?
“Because I’m not sorry Derek.”
“Let’s play tag,” Tane shot to his feet and I knew it was because he didn’t want to hear Tina talking about her feelings for me, and I didn’t want to hear it either.
“I’m it,” Tina smirked and I knew it meant something bad was about to happen. She was flashing her evil grin as she looked at me.
“Thirty seconds,” I reminded her before me and Tane ran through the woods and split up. I had to stay as far away from her as much as possible although I knew she was going to be tracking my scent which meant I had to be the one with the upper hand. I had to be faster.
Part of me felt guilty for playing a game while Kristin’s world was crumbling down around her but Courtney would kick me out as soon as she smelled my scent. I would have gotten a few minutes tops with Kristin and that was if I was lucky.
I snapped out of my thoughts and started focussing as I quickly climbed up a tree using my claws to grip the bark. Within a few seconds I had already made my way to the top, and I could see Tina moving in between the trees. Even if she did climb up a tree she still had to catch me and I was a lot faster than I looked.
Oh come on let’s have some fun Kristin doesn’t have to know. My wolf suggested.
No! Keep it in your pants! I snapped.
“Really Derek you’re playing monkey man?” Tina laughed before she jumped on a nearby tree and I could hear her claws as they scraped against the bark. She was moving a lot quicker than I had expected.
Tina was two or three trees away and she was gaining on my position fast. I lunged from the tree branch reaching out for the next door neighbour’s tree branches although I felt Tina grab my ankle in mid-air. I toppled to the ground with a loud thud, and I groaned as I felt the wind being knocked out of me.
“Did you forget how fast I am?” Tina teased as she leaned over my body. I had fallen on my back although the pain was already beginning to diminish, and my bruises were already healing.
“I guess I did.”
“I missed you a lot,” Tina replied before she pressed her lips against mine although it took my brain a second to register what was happening.
“What are you doing?” I growled after I had pushed her away from me. I should have known that was her plan from the beginning. I was so stupid to think otherwise!
“Oh come on Derek we still have chemistry, and a lot of it.”
“No we don’t have anything,” I snarled as I stood to my feet.
“Yes we do!”
“Tina please stop I love Kristin,” I was shouting but I couldn’t help it. I was annoyed- furious even.
“Love?” Tina sounded just as surprised as I felt.
Did I just say love? I asked myself. I didn’t mean it. I wasn’t even thinking.
“No Derek,” Tina shook her head repeatedly, “Come on you can’t love her it’s only been a few weeks,” Tina was pleading and trying to grab my hand although I continued to move my hands out of her reach.
“Well I do I love her. What did you expect to happen anyway?”
“You were meant to remember how close we were and you were meant to ask me to stay,” Tina’s bottom lip was quivering although I didn’t know if she was just acting or if she really was about to cry.
“I’m sorry Tina but I can’t help the way I feel.”
“Why her and not me?”
”You’ve been gone for three months,” I reminded her as she firmly pressed her lips together before an angry expression replaced her sad eyes.
“You know humans and werewolves don’t mix!” Tina had stopped trying to grab me and now stood with her hand on her hip, glaring with her bright yellow wolf eyes.
“That’s not entirely true there are exceptions,” I used to think like Tina but that was before Kristin came into my life.
“Well she also makes you weak.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the fact that when you’re in control you can’t shift around her . . . Can you?”
“I don’t wanna, I could hurt her.”
“Exactly my point. She keeps you weak,” Tina smiled and looked accomplished although I don’t know why because that wasn’t going to make me break up with Kristin, and Tina was a fool to think so.
“Well I don’t care,” I shrugged and Tina’s annoyed look returned.
“Do you think she will still love you when she sees who all wolfed out?”
“Yes I do.”
“Well than you are an idiot!” Tina hissed.
“No I’m not and if you can’t get over the fact that I have chosen Kristin, I don’t want you coming on the camping trip.”
It was also the day Kristin was going to meet some of my family: in five days and six nights time to be exact. It was sad that I was counting the days but I was worried about Tina and Kristin hanging out, and that worried feeling had just multiplied by the thousands.
“Fine I’ll be good.”
“Really or are you just telling me what I want to hear?”
“Cross my heart,” Tina smiled although I had no idea if it was sincere or completely fake.
“I’ll keep her on a leash if I have to,” Tane appeared and was frowning at Tina he had probably heard everything.
“You will not do such a thing!”
“Well you better behave,” Tane growled and Tina crossed her arms and glared. He was the only one that could keep Tina under control, well usually.
“I’m tired and you two are boring. I’m going to bed,” Tina huffed and stamped her feet as she walked away.
“Sorry man,” Tane apologised.
“You have to stop apologising for her you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I should have left her at home. I should have known she was going to act this way,” Tane sighed in frustration before he leaned against a tree and lowered himself to the ground.
“She would have followed you anyway,” I pointed out.
“True, are you sure you want her going on the camping trip. You know what she can be like.”
“A pain in the ass,” I answered.
“That sounds about right. I’m really happy for you man, Kristin’s great,” Tane replied as I joined him and took a seat on the ground.
“Thanks I just hope Tina won’t ruin it for me,” I hated the thought.
“So did you mean what you said? That you love her?”
“Yeah I do?” I still couldn’t believe it myself. I had never been in love before although I was certain it was how I felt with Kristin. It was exciting although just the thought of Kristin made my heart race. I hoped that she was going to be okay.

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