Kristin: Morning visitor Part 1

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“How are you feeling?” Derek spoke on the other end of the phone. It was the morning after the attack and I still hadn’t gotten sick and I was sure my wound was still present. I could still barely walk which meant I had managed to escape infection a second time.
I hadn’t told my mother or my Grams yet. I didn’t even know what to say plus I had a feeling the Hales would fill my Grams in on the details for me, well I was more like hoping. I still couldn’t believe Grams had kept the Hales secret from me and I wondered what other secrets she was hiding. Derek’s mom had put some herbs on the bandage which was meant to fight off infection, my mother and my grams had no idea that I was injured. They did question why I was limping and I just said it was cramps, and for some reason they totally believed me.
It still felt surreal . . . All of it. The wolf that attacked me and the conversation with Derek where I had found out that he was a werewolf, yet at the same time my mind was coming to terms with it rather well actually maybe a little too well.
I mean don’t get me wrong. I was completely freaked out at first but over the time span of less than twelve hours it didn’t seem that bad or that unreal which sounds crazy. I don’t even know how to explain it. Maybe it was because of all the vampire and werewolf T.V shows, books and movies.
At first a small part of me was even hoping that I was a werewolf, that way Derek wouldn’t have to hold back around me. I had no idea that I was practically torturing him until very recently- I felt terrible. Although after finding out I wasn’t a wolf I felt relieved, and even had to refrain from squealing in excitement.
I took a deep breath and exhaled as I stood in front of my full length mirror which sat next to my door. Just tear it off hurry up! I ordered myself before I ripped the bandage and looked at the deep cuts. It was one thing to see blood and gore in movies but in real life it sent chills up and down my spine- the nauseating kind. The scratches looked horrible and I was lucky I didn’t need stitches. Derek had told me if the cuts were just a cm deeper than I would have had to go to the hospital.
“Sore? but at least I’m alive right?” It hurt to walk but I couldn’t stay in bed all day. Even my entire back was bruised. It looked totally gross although Derek didn’t seem fazed at all when I showed him. It also made sleeping a total bitch- it even hurt to sleep on my side.
“I told you that you would be fine didn’t I?” Derek teased me.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah do you want a medal?” I asked sarcastically.
“Yes in fact I do, a really big one thanks,” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his smart ass request.
“I’ll get that to you let’s see . . . Never.” I giggled glad it was the weekend. I could relax and rest my abused and aching body.
“Is it looking infected?” Derek asked concerned and I knew he meant the normal kind of infection, and not the supernatural kind.
I sat on my desk chair in front of the first aid kit which was sitting on my desk near my cluster of sea horse figurines. Sea horses were my favourite animal of all time, well one of many.
“Nope,” I replied as I wiped my wound with disinfectant before I started to re-bandage it, surprised at how much I remembered of my mother’s many first aid lessons which happened every year, “I’ll be over in like five minutes.” I added.
“You need to rest,” Derek protested.
“But my mom has the night shift. I won’t get to see you until-” I stopped talking suddenly. I was becoming pathetic. I was becoming one of the girls that I promised I would never become. The type of girl that’s world revolved around a guy and nothing else, “Okay but I’ll be calling you later,” I smiled.
When I first started dating Derek I made a promise to myself, to not get dependent on him at all and I was breaking it already.
You’re an independent woman stop being so lame. I ordered myself.
“Okay I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay bye,” I replied and hung up the cordless phone and threw it on my desk.
What the hell am I meant to do now? Wait, I know America’s Next Top Model. I silently decided. I had recorded it and since Derek wouldn’t be around I could actually watch it without his commentary which consisted of “This is lame.” And “Can you just shoot me now please?”
Sometimes it was funny, but other times I just wanted to watch the show without being interrupted.
It was just after 10am and the house seemed to be deserted as I made my way downstairs, well apart from me of course. I slowly made my way to the kitchen and found a note on the bench.

Grams is at the Hales and Belle is at Lydia’s. I’ve gone to get a few groceries. I’ll be home real soon so don’t even think about sneaking Derek into the house especially your room.
XO Mom.
I rolled my eyes at the note before I scrunched it up and threw it into the bin. How did she know anyway? It’s not like I snuck him up to my room when she was home. It was my second day of pretending to be sick well technically I wasn’t pretending- I was really hurt.
“Whatever,” I yawned as I opened the fridge and grabbed out the eggs. I felt like scrambled eggs and avocado on toast, they were going to accompany me while I watched one of my favourite T.V shows.
“That is a very cute night dress,” I accidentally dropped the carton of eggs as I practically jumped out of my skin. I knew it wasn’t Derek although it took me a few seconds to recognise the voice- it was Julian.
I closed the fridge door and saw Julian standing a few feet away from me.
Was the front door unlocked? Of course it was. Mom must have forgotten. I reassured myself.
 I was in my blue knee length, sea horse night dress. It was my favourite although I instantly started hating it because of Julian’s compliment.
Reminder to self: Dispose of night dress! I made a quick mental note.
Wait a minute how did he get that close without me even hearing him? I wondered to myself as I looked at the carton on the ground. The cracked eggs were draining through the cardboard and leaking onto the floor, and then it hit me.
Is he a werewolf? I asked silently. I resisted asking out loud. I felt like if I did than he would have to kill me for knowing what he was.
“Thanks I guess. What are you doing here?” I asked as I bent down and picked up the carton and my body screamed in agony.
Fuck-ing hell! I screamed to myself as I tried to act unfazed while I threw the carton into the bin.
I wasn’t going to show any fear even if I was 85% sure he was a werewolf and could kill me in the blink of an eye.
He’s probably just here to visit mom. I told myself.
“Lucky I brought enough for two,” He raised his hand close to his face which was holding a brown paper bag. I was instantly reminded of when Jack Nicholson stuck his head through the chopped bit of door and shouted ‘Here’s Johnny’ in the movie The Shinning. I don’t know why- maybe it was to do with his facial expression.
“My mother isn’t here,” I made sure not to stammer but I had a very bad feeling.
“I know,” He grinned and it sent chills down my spine.
“So why are you here than?”
Is he an alpha? Is he the alpha that attacked me yesterday morning? I continued to keep my questions to myself.
“Bonding session and a celebratory breakfast,” ge smirked and placed the paper bag on the light yellow counter top.
“What?” I asked as I started to inch away from him. He was creeping me out and I knew if he was the alpha than I was about to be attacked.
“Your mother broke it off with me a couple of days ago. I didn’t succeed the first time, but I won’t fail twice,” He smiled sinisterly and I ran. At first I didn’t know where I was running to. The closest room was the bathroom and all my effort went into throwing myself into the room and locking the door before he could grab me.
My heart was thumping in my ears and the adrenaline was coursing through my veins as he banged on the door furiously. I searched the bathroom frantically for a weapon and started with the medicine cabinet, although there was nothing there other than band aids and aspirin.
I moved onto the cupboards under the sink and after shoving all the shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and scented soaps out of the way I finally found a pair of scissors.
I guess this will have to do. I huffed in annoyance as Julian continued to bang on the door. I could hear the door hinges creaking and the wood cracking. He was going to literally bang the door down and my heart started to try and jump out of my chest.
Shit concentrate! I tried to calm myself down as I heard another loud cracking sound.
I had the scissors hidden behind my back in my left shaking hand and they were ready to make contact, as soon as he knocked down the door.
“You’re making this harder than it has to be,” Julian growled before he banged on the door for the last time.
It fell to the ground and I felt my fight response kick in. I was ready for him. I was going to fight for my life until my last dying breath.
Bring it you bastard! I smirked to myself as he stepped into the room. There was no way I was giving Julian the chance to try and infect me again.

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