Kristin: The shit hits the fan

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  • Dedicated to All my awesome readers <3

"This really is lovely," My uncle complimented my mother's roast chicken. Even though he was my father's brother and not related to my mother by blood, she still felt the need to torture the man with her company.
"Yeah it's really good," Stiles grinned before he stuffed his mouth full of chicken. His cheeks were bulging and he barely had enough room to chew the food that filled his mouth. I couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you both of you," My mother smiled proudly and I had to resist the urge to fling my spoonful of peas at her face.
I was still frustrated and angry and wanted to rip things apart although my shooting session with Belle helped a little and she even opened up... Sort of.
Don't make a scene not in front of Stiles and Uncle Stilinski. I ordered myself. It had been less than a year since Stiles mother had passed away and my father was still alive. It would have beeen like rubbing salt into their wounds.
"How are you girls finding school?" My uncle asked after he took a sip of red wine. It was odd to see my uncle wearing jeans and a flannel t-shirt. He was usually dressed in his police uniform with his sheriff badge proudly pinned to his chest.
"Good I met Stiles friend Scott," Belle sighed in admiration and I instantly felt sorry for Scott. Belle was just as determined as I was and it was obvious she had a crush on Scott already, we got that trait from our father.
"That's good what about you Kristin?"
"Same. I made a couple of friends, Dee and Cassie."
"They're good girls. I play poker with their fathers."
"What about that guy?" Belle asked me and I knew she was talking about Derek.
"Guy?" My mother asked curiously and I shot a death glare at Belle who just shrugged in response.
"Everyone is talking about her and Derek," Stiles shouted excitedly with a mouth full of food and I couldn't help but smirk although the look on my Grams face filled me with worry, and then I remembered she had told me not to say anything to my mother about visiting the Hales.
"Why does that name sound familiar?" My mother asked.
"The Hale boy?" My uncle asked and Stiles nodded.
I couldn't get mad at Stiles he didn't know that it was meant to be a secret. Even I had forgotten my Gram's request and part of me was itching for another mother- daughter showdown anyway.
Instead I shot another glare at Belle and she just smirked.
"Hale?" My mother turned her attention to me and her lips were turning into a vicious scowl.
"Later," I replied simply. I wasn't going to make a scene in front of Uncle Stilinski and Stiles although I couldn't help but smirk at my mother's response. Usually it was my mother who was always in control of her temper and it was me she was telling to cool down. Our roles had been reversed and I was proud of myself for being the adult.
"I don't think the rumours are true although he is kinda scary?" Stiles shrugged.
"Oh please he's harmless." I avoided looking at my mother but I could feel the glare she was giving me and I wanted to know why she hated the Hales so much. They were nice people especially Laura, and Derek was just guarded. I could see though his act.
Uncle Stilinski and Stiles left straight after dessert. Stiles was oblivious to the tension and wanted to stay and play video games with me but uncle Stilinski practically rushed out of the house with Stiles as if the roof was about to collapse and bury us all alive.
"Belle please go to your room," My mother asked as she piled up the dishes from the table before she hurried to the kitchen and dropped them into the sink with a loud crash.
"Now Courtney there is no need to overreact," My Grams spoke first as we all stood in the small kitchen.
"Overreact? I told you! How many times did I tell you?" My mother practically screamed and I felt my protective side kick in. She wasn't allowed to talk to Grams like that especially when she was the one overacting.
"What the hell is your problem? They're nice people," I defended my Grams and heard the harshness in my tone, and by the surprised look on my mother's face she had heard it too. Derek may have been confusing but I knew the rumours weren't true.
"You have no idea," My mother scoffed.
"What does that mean?" I wanted her to talk to me actually talk. I wasn't a child anymore and I deserved an answer.
"It means you are to stay away from the Hales especially Derek otherwise I will ground you young lady."
I couldn't help but scoff at her threat. What did she think grounding me was going to do? She could ground me until the day I died it didn't mean I was going to let her dictate my life. I was going to see whoever I wanted whenever I wanted.
"Courtney you are being ridiculous," Grams sounded irritated and worn out already.
"Am I?" My mother hissed.
"Why do you hate them so much? Do you even know them?" I demanded. Why was she trying to ruin my life? I at least deserved an explanation as to why she seemed to hate the Hales so much.
"I don't hate them but I know enough to know that you need to stay away from them and him."
"Are you talking about the rumours?" My voice was full of disgust. How could my mother be so horrible? Since when did she listen to vicious rumours?
"Maybe or maybe I know more about them than you think."
"What? What do you know about them, about him?" I was begging and yelling at the same time. I needed to know why she hated them and if it was for a valid reason or whether my mother was just being a bitch.
"I am your mother and I do not need to justify my actions."
Which meant she didn't have a valid reason. She was just being a heartless bitch and wanted to ruin my life.
"Just because you're my mother doesn't mean you get to pick my friends for me," I yelled and expected the police to be knocking on our door any minute. The whole neighbourhood would have heard us; if I wasn't so mad I would have been slightly embarrassed over the scene we were making.
"Yes it does!"
"No it doesn't."
"Yes it DOES.
"No it DOESN'T."
"Come on now. We can sort this out minus the screaming," Grams tried to calm us down.
"Do I have to home school you?" My mother threatened and I laughed. It was the kind of laugh that left you breathless and clutching your stomach and gasping for air.
"Oh please where would you even find the time? You practically lived at the last hospital for those last couple of months before you ripped our family apart and you're doing it again."
My mother practically spent ten hours working at the hospital every day seven days a week.
"I work hard for this family and for you girls," My mother was thrusting her finger in the air repeatedly as she spoke.
"Whatever I'm getting used to you never being around. I don't care anymore and btw I'm going to keep hanging out with Derek."
"No you're not."
"What are you gonna do? Lock me in a room?" I laughed and rested my hand on my hip with a confident smirk.
"Oh lord," Grams sighed and rested against the fridge. I didn't blame her. My mother and I were as bad as each other when it came to getting the last word.
"If I have to I will."
"Just tell me why!" This time it was me shouting and gesturing with my hands. I just wanted to scream, really scream and not hold back.
"Why, what?"
"Why Is Derek such a bad person? Why don't you like the Hales? Tell me why? Wait... You don't need too because you can't can you? You are just being horrible and cruel. You can't even give me a reason yet you expect me to just drop one of my friends?"
It may have been pushing it calling Derek my friend. At that moment we weren't anything really.
"Like I told you before I do not need to justify myself."
My heart was pounding, my throat was dry and sore from yelling, my hands were shaking from rage and my blood was boiling. I felt like a balloon about to burst and I knew I had to walk away.
"Well I'm seventeen years old and you don't get to choose my friends for me," I stormed out of the kitchen and through the front door. I needed air and I needed my own space to clear my head and figure out exactly what just happened.
Before I could decide where to go my legs had started to move on their own and within a few seconds I was sprinting down the street, as if my life depended on it as tears were beginning to swell in my eyes.
I couldn't see Derek, not when my face was splotchy and streaked in sweat. Instead I went to my uncle's house. He didn't judge me or rat me out to my mother. Instead he let me sleep in the spare room and Stiles even spent an hour trying to make me laugh and it was exactly what I needed.
It didn't matter what my mother said. I was going to keep seeing Derek. Besides we were barely friends... yet. She was making a huge deal out of nothing and part of me was looking forward to the argument that would happen if things did change between Derek and me.
Part of me was hoping things would change sooner rather than later. Well maybe more than part of me. Most of me liked Derek maybe even all of me. It sounded silly especially since I had only met him a few days ago.
How pathetic. I sighed in frustration as I turned on my side in the guest bed. It was strange. I had never felt this way about anyone not even my ex-boyfriend. What made it even more bizarre was the short amount of time I had known Derek for.
It was crazy.

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