Derek: Slipping away

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Kristin had been acting weird for the past week. Every time I visited her at the hospital or at her house she would pretend to be asleep. I could tell when her breathing changed as soon I walked into the room. It was frustrating and it was tearing me apart.
I wanted to know what was happening to us. One minute we were on top of the world and well on top of each other and the next we were stuck in a concrete room being tortured, and then Kristin was practically ignoring me completely.
Is she blaming me? I wondered to myself.
Kristin was plaguing my mind, my thoughts and my dreams. Just the thought of us ending was enough keep me up all night and was enough to kill my appetite. I felt pathetic and helpless and I wanted to know why she was torturing me.
She’s just a girl there are plenty more fish in the sea. My wolf reminded me, but that was the problem. I didn’t want anyone else but Kristin.
“So what you’re just going to sit in the car all day?” My sister Laura asked. We were in the school parking lot and had been for the past ten minutes. Kristin still hadn’t arrived and I was starting to think that she was going to stay at home another day probably to avoid me, and I scowled at the thought.
“Maybe I guess,” I shrugged my shoulders and tried my best to act unaffected by Kristin.
“Come on Derek stop being lame,” Laura playfully shoved me before she grabbed her black shoulder bag from the back seat and got out of the car. “Remember to lock the door,” Laura spoke before she shut the door and headed towards the school.
I slumped back in the seat and watched as some students hovered in the car park while others sat outside and some headed into the hallways, and after a few more minutes passed I spotted Kristin. She was walking along the cement path through the front of the school, well until Cory stepped in her way and I felt my fists clench automatically.
“Hey I’m so glad you’re back does it hurt?” I heard Cory ask and then I saw his arm rise and then his hand ran over the bruise on her right cheek.
I growled as my claws dug into my hand and I could smell the blood as it dripped from my palms before I removed my claws and the cuts began to heal.
“Thanks and no it doesn’t,” Kristin replied.
Why isn’t she telling him to back off? I wondered as I grinded my teeth together.
“I can’t believe how crazy some people are. I’m really glad that you’re okay. I missed you,” Cory was staring at Kristin and I wanted to poke his eyes out. He was flirting with her in front of the school. What was he thinking? It was like he was asking me to hurt him.
Kick his freaking ass! My inner wolf seethed and I finally agreed completely.
“Yeah the world sure is crazy,” Kristin almost sounded like a zombie as I shot out of the car and started to make my way to Cory.
“Oh hey man,” Cory greeted me although I didn’t reply in fact I didn’t speak at all. I kept walking and punched Cory right in the face. His precious bruise had nearly faded until I just added to it.
“Derek!” Kristin yelled but I ignored her. I was angry, not entirely at Cory but I was going to take it out on him.
He was on the ground and I was leaning over him punching him like he was a punching bag. I couldn’t stop, the anger had taken control and I had been holding a lot in.
Crunch. My fist slammed into his face for a third time and then I hit him in the side of his ribs. I heard the crack that followed as well as Cory who was yelping in pain like a little bitch.
“Derek stop!” Kristin was tugging on my shoulder. I was so focussed on hitting Cory that I hadn’t noticed the students that were gawking at us. I stopped and faced Kristin, and I knew my face had shifted. I had completely lost control luckily all the students were in front of us, and only Kristin could see my wolf form.
Her face was full of horror and she looked terrified. I knew it was because of seeing my full wolf form for the first time as well as the hatred written all over my face, and the fact that I had beaten Cory to a bloody pulp wasn’t helping. She had never looked at me like that before, like I wasn’t me.
Instead of heading back to the car I decided to walk home. I needed to release some steam. I knew we were over, we had been for a week now but I didn’t know why and I hadn’t been able to admit it.
After a few minutes I started to run. I needed to run so fast that I felt like my lungs were going to explode. I needed to feel something, anything other than the pain that Kristin was causing me.
I stopped once I reached the river and I had only been there a few minutes before Laura caught up with me. She had followed me from the school and I knew she was about to give me a big ass lecture.
“What the hell Derek? You practically broke his face!” Laura screamed as she shoved me in the chest and I stumbled back a few steps.
“He deserved it!” I seethed as my nostrils flared. I was still angry and hurt and I wanted the pain to go away.
“Why because he was talking to Kristin?” Laura’s brown eyes were wild with fury but I didn’t care nothing mattered anymore.
“What do you want from me an apology?” I gestured wildly with my hands, there was no way I was going to apologise to him. He deserved every hit that I gave him.
“What’s going on with you Derek?”
“Nothing okay I mean Kristin practically dumped me at least I think that is what’s going on. I have no idea because she refuses to talk to me, and I don’t know why or what I did wrong,” my pulse was racing as I thought about Cory and Kristin being together.
“I’m sorry Derek but that’s no excuse, his right eye is completely swollen shut already and I’m pretty sure you broke his nose, a rib or two and his jaw.”
“I lost control okay there’s nothing I can do about it now,” I kicked at the ground as hard as I could manage and some dirt rose from the earth and fell back to the ground.
“I can’t believe you Derek you could have killed him.”
“But I didn’t so why are we still talking about it? About him?”
“I’m sorry about the whole Kristin thing but you need to apologise to Cory at the very least. He’s probably going to charge you with assault, do you really not care?”
“Enough about Cory!” I practically screamed as I ran my hands through my dark hair and somehow resisted the urge to pull on it. I was sick of hearing his stupid name and I wondered if Kristin was going to go back to Cory.
I didn’t understand why she would pick him over me, and I didn’t understand why she was ending it between us. Things had almost gotten perfect before she was abducted by Alyssa.
Alyssa! It’s all her fault! I seethed quietly as I started pacing back and forth. I had a lot of excess energy that I needed to burn. At least I thought it was excess energy, it could have been anger since it also fuels the body. All I knew for sure was that I couldn’t stand still.
“Derek I know it sucks but you can’t go around nearly killing people, do you understand?”
“I told you I don’t care!” I knew there would be repercussions for hitting Cory but at the time I could only think about Kristin and how she was breaking my heart, and I still didn’t know why or what I had done wrong which made it all worse and I just wanted to scream.
I needed to hit something again. I needed to punch something until my knuckles were cut open and broken. I thought after the kidnapping that we were going to be stronger like after I told her the truth about me being a werewolf.
It wasn’t meant to be the end of us!
“DEREK! Listen to me! Don’t ruin your life over this. I know it doesn’t seem like it at the moment, but you will get over it it’s just going to take time.” Laura was holding my shoulders and shaking me with each word that she spoke. I hadn’t even noticed her move, in fact it was like everything was disappearing except me and my tortured thoughts.
I loved you Kristin how could you do this to me?! I silently screamed as Laura tried desperately to get my attention.

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