Derek: It's all downhill from here

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  • Dedicated to All my awesome readers <3

I was surprised at how fast Kristin turned out to be... Well for a human although I didn't see the wolf in her like Nora did. She was 100% sure Kristin was just a very late bloomer and that the werewolf gene had been passed onto her.
I wasn't so sure.
"It's just something we are good at, it runs in the family," I couldn't help but snicker and Laura smirked at me. We weren't just super-fast we were also super strong and our other senses were heightened as well.
It was a werewolf thing.
"So do you know anyone else from around here?" Laura asked and changed the subject as she sat on the only lush patch of grass under a nearby tree.
"Only my ten year old cousin Stiles, it wouldn't be weird hanging out with him would it?" Kristin asked sarcastically as she splashed water over her legs. I could smell the blood as it slowly oozed from the small cuts and I was surprised she wasn't complaining.
Everyone seemed to complain over the small things like how "hard" their life was at school because they were having a bad hair day, they had trouble deciding what to wear or they broke a nail- it was pathetic.
"Well hanging out with a ten year old will look kind of weird and lame," I teased as I stood in between Kristin and Laura.
Usually I didn't act so friendly with humans. I hadn't in years but I couldn't seem to help myself around Kristin. It was frustrating especially since I'd only know her all of five minutes.
"Really I hadn't thought about that," Kristin replied sarcastically and splashed water on her face one last time before she stood straight and crossed her arms.
I blamed dehydration for the feeling that swept through my body as my eyes drank Kristin in. The water was glistening as the droplets fell from her flawless olive face, down her neck and her chest disappearing underneath her singlet top.
Selena Walsh used to occupy my idle thoughts occasionally, she was blonde, beautiful and human but I had just forgotten her face.
"I'm sure you will make friends straight away and now you have Derek in your junior year. I'm a senior, you are a junior right?" Laura asked.
"Yeah I am and Derek totally seems like the people person," Kristin replied. Laura laughed and looked at me. Usually I got angry at people who thought they knew me when they didn't, but Kristin was right. I didn't want to be a "people" person they were too fragile.
"His bite isn't as bad as his growl," Laura assured her although that statement couldn't have been further from the truth.
My teeth were sharp and deadly not to mention strong enough to easily break through bone when I shifted them. Then there was the reason everyone at school kept their distance, and it wasn't just because of my bark. Well maybe it was because of my "bark" but if I needed to reinforce their fear I wouldn't have hesitated to bite.
It was for their good.
"Well that depends who you ask?" I couldn't help but grin although I felt a little bad. Kristin was being left out of all the inside jokes which was a first, but I couldn't help it. I went out of my way to avoid the school cliques well people in general. I may have been popular once upon a time, but now I was the loner and I wore the title well.
Try not to make a fool of us if that's even possible. My inner wolf spoke distracting me from my thoughts.
Just shut up. I quietly snapped at myself.
"So do you like the outdoors? Or are you more of a mall type of person?" Laura asked and changed the subject again. Laura was so good at talking to people that she could easily change the subject without raising more questions or suspicion.
What I didn't understand was how Kristin didn't know about her family heritage.
How did Nora and Kristin's mother keep the secret? Or was Kristin just that oblivious and thick? Kristin didn't seem like a ditz.
"I love both although maybe the outdoors just a bit more," Kristin scanned her surroundings starting with the trees before her gaze fell on the shallow part of the river.
"Me too, I love this place," Laura smiled and I rolled my eyes in boredom before they somehow ended up focussed on Kristin again.
I had to find a way to gain back control. There had to be a way and I was going to find it.
"Yeah I could get used to it," Kristin nodded and smiled as her eyes focussed on me very briefly before she looked away and blushed slightly. At least it wasn't just me crushing like a pathetic little school boy.
After Kristin and Nora left I felt relieved, but also wondered when I was going to see her next and it was the most frustrating feeling. I had worked hard at my reputation and I couldn't let Kristin ruin that.
It didn't make sense. One moment I was head strong, refusing to befriend any humans again and then the next minute all I wanted was to get to know Kristin better. Was that all it took- one girl to mess it all up? I'd worked hard to alienate everyone including the people that had once been my friends.
"What do you know about them?" I asked my mother who was sitting on the front porch swing drinking a cup of coffee. She blended in with the night like I did and her dark hair shined as her brown eyes stared back at me.
"I used to be friends with Kristin's mother Courtney before she moved away and we've kept in touch over the years. She didn't want to be a werewolf. She wanted to live a normal human life and that's why she got engaged to a human at eighteen, and moved to the other side of the country straight after high school graduation."
Courtney sounded like Laura although Laura would never ditch her family no matter how badly she wanted a normal life, besides she planned on having it all including her heritage but I couldn't see it as a possibility.
"And none of her children are werewolves?"
"Nope none of them seem to have the gene. It happens when we breed with humans a lot of the time the children are born completely human."
"How did you and dad meet?" I asked. My mother had told me before, but I had never paid attention. Instead I would always pretend to barf and roll my eyes before I left the room. I wasn't a hopeless romantic like Laura.
My mother laughed, "Your father and I met during college. At first I pretended I wasn't interested, but he knew he had me from the very first instant. But I didn't give in easily of course he enjoyed the challenge."
It was times like these when I'd forget my mother was the leader of the werewolf community, and one of the strongest Alphas with the rare ability to shape-shift into a full wolf, "How did you... Never mind," I shook off the question.
I was a male and lust was a normal thing to feel it didn't mean it was anything more. How could it have been? I had only just met her. Nothing was making sense anymore.
"I knew the moment I saw him. My heart started to race and I couldn't think or speak or stop staring at him. I made no sense whatsoever. When you find your mate you just know," My mother replied and I pretended to heave. The last thing I needed was my mother quizzing me about Kristin not that there was anything to tell... There wasn't.
"Sounds like a boring romance novel," I shuddered and looked out into the pitch black surroundings. I could've used my wolf sight to see the nocturnal animals although I didn't need too. I could hear them scurrying around the woods.
"I heard you and Kristin got along well," I saw a smirk surface on my mother's face and I cringed.
Just great not only is Laura going to be taunting me but so is my mother. I thought to myself and rolled my eyes.
"Yeah Gran and Nora would love that," I snickered. I knew the reason Nora talked about Kristin so much was because sge was hoping to link our families. Although Nora was the only one that believed Kristin was born a werewolf. I personally thought she was in denial and couldn't face the truth; that her wolf lineage was coming to an end. I heard her only son couldn't have children.
"They originally were hoping Courtney and Peter would be the two to link our families."
I can't picture that one. It would just be too weird.
"You know Laura might end up marrying a human," I shook my head in disapproval and tried my hardest to get the focus off of me and Kristin. I wasn't going to be able to ignore her if they were going to keep on bringing her up. It was going to be hard enough seeing her at school.
"You know distancing yourself from humans isn't going to make the pain go away," My mother sat back and looked out at the stars.
At least they'll be safer this way.
"It's worked for me so far," I replied. At least it had until Kristin and her perfect lips entered my life
Damn it! I shouted to myself in frustration, so much for not thinking about her.
"You know it can work. Courtney and her partner lasted over 20 years, and she didn't hurt him once," My mother tried a different tactic, and I just rolled my eyes.
"Well I don't see the point in being with a human," I replied. The last time I was close with a human it ended terrible. There was no way I could go through that again. Not even for someone as beautiful as Kristin.
"What happened with Paige was terrible, but you can't let it ruin your life," My mother grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Derek I don't want you to miss out on having a life or finding true love for any reason. What happened is in the past, and you need to leave it there. Punishing yourself isn't going to change what happened."
"Whatever it doesn't matter because I don't like Kristin."
"Then why are you so touchy about it?" My mother smiled knowingly before taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm going to go to bed I'll see you in the morning," I practically ran to my room and shut the door behind me. I just had to go a day without seeing Kristin and then school wouldn't be so bad. At least that was what I told myself.

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