Derek: Breaking the rules

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“You deserve better though,” I heard Cory talking to Kristin.
I had already given him one black eye and it sounded like he wanted a matching pair. He really was an idiot.
“This isn’t his fault it’s mine; Derek’s not a bad person,” Kristin stuck up for me and it felt weird. The only other people that defended me at school were my sisters Laura, and Cora who was only 10 years old and acted like my guard dog.
“Is there a problem here?” I asked as I approached and stood beside Kristin. I wanted to put my arm around her or grab her hand but I got the feeling she wouldn’t have appreciated it, since she was trying to mend her relationship with him for some stupid reason.
Somebody’s jealous. My inner wolf teased.
No I’m not. I spat back silently. The last thing I wanted was to be carted off to a mental asylum for talking back to the “voice” inside my head.
“Yeah and it’s you,” Cory practically growled and I held my tongue which wasn’t easy.
“Come on Kristin,” I waited for her to say goodbye to Cory.
“You’re not the boss of her and we were having a private conversation,” Cory pointed between himself and Kristin and I just rolled my eyes in boredom.
Kristin didn’t speak but just sighed and pinched the top part of her nose that sat in between her eyes.
“Well it looks like you have made your choice again,” Cory stormed off and Kristin shook her head and grunted in frustration.
“Take me away,” Kristin turned and faced me with her begging blue eyes.
“Away like right now?” I asked surprised.
“Yeah now,” She pleaded and I grabbed her hand without hesitation.
If she asks you to jump off a cliff would you do that to? My inner wolf asked and I ignored him. It was only school and hanging out with Kristin sounded way more fun, although I would get my ass kicked by my parents when they found out, but it was still worth it.
Instead of our spot by the river I took her to the Beacon Hills Botanical Gardens. It was quiet and practically deserted just as I had expected.
“I’m sorry about Cory bugging you at home,” Kristin apologised as we walked down a dirt path lined with dogwoods trees or so the sign read. They just looked like small trees to me- nothing special.
“It’s not your fault,” I assured her. She wasn’t in control of Cory’s actions, he was and he chose to pick a fight.
“Can you believe this is our first outing since becoming official? It all happened so quickly,” Kristin snickered.
“That’s why we have to make it count,” I grinned suggestively.
“I like the sound of that, lead the way,” Kristin smirked.
It didn’t take me long to find the picnic area which was also empty and deserted like the rest of the gardens.
“Why do I get the feeling you wagged a lot at your last school?” I asked Kristin as we lay side by side on our backs looking up at the clear blue sky.
“I only wagged once every month or two,” Kristin chuckled and grabbed hold of my hand and it sent the good kind of shivers throughout my body.
“You know if you wanted to go back to Cory I wouldn’t-” I started to talk. I felt the need to give her an out and part of me was hoping she would take it. That same part of me was worried I wouldn’t be able to gain control over myself. It was a constant nagging feeling telling me I was going to end up hurting Kristin.
“No I don’t want to date Cory,” She inched closer and shifted so she was lying over the left side of my body, “I want to be with you,” She rested her head against my chest and I wrapped an arm around her instantly.
I wanted to ask her why especially since I had jerked her around but I decided to leave it for another day. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“So what do you think? Not a bad place right?” I asked pleased with myself.
Just being next to her was intoxicating. Her constant scent of coconut, vanilla and strawberries was filling my nostrils and fuelling my desires. It didn’t help that her body was resting against mine intensifying my feelings further.
Practice makes perfect. Laura’s words echoed in my thoughts and I started to really concentrate.
“It’s far better than school,” She smiled up at me and I couldn’t help but stare at her soft lips, and she seemed to read my thoughts, “And I believe we have some unfinished business,” She smirked as she inched her lips closer to mine teasingly.
As I grew impatient I tried to steal a kiss although she jerked her head backward and smirked before finally pressing her lips against mine. I had to remember to take it slow which would hopefully give me enough time to calm down the situation if I felt any warning signs of a shift.
I had to make it work. I needed to make it work.
I sat up and shifted Kristin’s body so she was sitting in my lap. I was hoping it would stop the kissing session from getting too heated. I didn’t want to freak out on Kristin again like I had last time. I had started shifting and had to blow her off completely to gain back control.
She barely seemed to notice that I had moved her in fact I don’t think she noticed at all. She still had one hand resting on my shoulder and the other tangled in my dark hair. It was like an amazing head massage.
Keep your cool you’re doing great. I coached myself as my arms stayed wrapped around her.
The kiss had started out slow and deep although I could feel it turning fierce as our lips started clashing together in a hurried pace, as if we only had a certain amount of time left on the earth.
My hand started moving on its own and made its way under her shirt tracing along her skin, moving north and I felt my body start to shift. At least I knew what the trigger was. It made sense now I just had to reject the change.
Concentrate you can’t shift!
Kristin couldn’t find out what I was, and I couldn’t risk shifting in case I accidentally scratched her. I didn’t want to hurt Kristin at all, and then of course there was the chance that my wolf could’ve taken control and that would’ve ended very badly.
I tried to find something to focus on. There were birds talking, and bugs buzzing although they weren’t helping at all.
You can do this.
I tried focussing on Kristin’s rapid heartbeat.
Thump, thump, thump. It actually seemed to help to my surprise.
That’s it you’re doing it. You’re actually doing it. I felt myself taming the beast inside of me as I slid my hand down to her waist.
“Why do you always get shy when it starts getting interesting?” Kristin pulled away before taking a deep breath to even out her breathing.
“Maybe I want to make you work for it,” I smirked.
“You are so full of yourself,” She laughed.
“Yeah but you love it.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” she scoffed and chuckled, “Which better be thoughts of me and not some other skank? I will cut her!” Kristin’s serious look surfaced and she stared me down like a starving dog did a fresh piece of meat.
After a slight pause Kristin smiled, “I’m kidding,” she smirked and laughed, “I can’t believe you thought I was serious,” She gave me the evil eye before she leaned her head on my shoulder.
“I knew that.”
“It sure didn’t look like it,” She chuckled and laced her fingers through mine.
It had been three years since I had been so close with a human yet it all felt natural with Kristin. I didn’t have to try with her.
“I’m a good actor,” I bluffed. She had totally punk’d me. I thought she was serious until the smirk surfaced on her face.
“I’m glad we did this. You’re parents aren’t going to hate me for getting you to wag are they?” I felt her warm breath on my chest as it seeped through my shirt.
“No,” Wagging was the least of their worries.
“Good. I’m already going to have my mother out for my blood once she finds out.”
“You really love pissing her off don’t you?”
“At this present time I do.”
“So that’s the reason you chose me?” I smirked.
“Wow this is awkward you weren’t meant to find out,” Kristin chuckled before she pushed me onto my back and lay beside me.
“She hasn’t said anything to you has she?” she asked as she shifted so she was lying on her stomach.
What’s it going to be? Are you going to tell the truth or lie? My inner wolf asked.
“No. I only know because you told me,” I didn’t tell her just in case I slipped up and hinted at Courtney not wanting me with her daughter because of me being a werewolf, plus I had the feeling Courtney would’ve skinned me alive for causing more problems between her and Kristin.
“Good,” Kristin smiled and kissed me quickly before pulling away, and resting her head on my shoulder.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it? I also have to say Jason Michael Wade has such a dreamy voice, does anyone else agree? I personally can listen to him all day!

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