Chapter 23 -

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OH MY GOD, THANK GOODNESS! I was still a virgin, Stefan zipped out the room after Damon had told him to shoo, but had given me some weird ass look before leaving.

'So love, what shall we do today?' Damon said, taking a step closer to me, a devilish smile playing on his perfect lips. WHAT THE HELL SNAP OUT OF IT! i stopped starring at his lips and replied.

' it okay if i see Lexi in the afternoon and stay with her for the night, you can go and spend some quality time with Stefan!' I smiled sarcastically at him.

'Yay. Oh Joy. Jolly Good' Damon lazily replied, running his fingers through his hair. 'Come on, i got breakfast'

He reached out for my hand and i willingly took it. The gesture some what surprised me. I mean i had held his hand before and all, but on the bigger scale...i never held any of my boyfriends hand, not even Kyle's that much. Surprisinging, is it not!? We walked out of Damon's room into the open spaced kithchen/living area.

'wow, it smells great!' MMMMMM it sure did.

'Let me show you then, i can see you're already looking at me wanting to eat me up. Save it for tonite Angel' He winked, emptying the paper bags on the kitchen island, where i jumped up and sat down; still wrapped up in the bed sheets.

'So for my Lady, he produced a small scarf from a drawer and tied it around my head, covering my eyes. 'so you taste, you guess, you're right, reward, you're wrong, punishment'

'LETS DO THIS BITCH!' i squeeledexcitedly, i heard him chuckle gently.

'first up, open wide'  Damons hand softly cupped my chin, as he placed something in my mouth. was pastry ish, i guess like a croissant?

'croissant?' i said smally.

'WRONG!' He lifted me off the island and tossed me over his shoulder, spanking me in hysterics, while i yelled like a crazy woman, half screaming and laughing.

'it was pau aux chocolat' He said, tapping my nose. I pulled a pouty face on. 'Damon, you beter not make me "taste" your dick'

'Now that, love is actually a great idea'  He winked, bending his head down slightly, he wanted a kiss. I went with it; leaning in. His eyes were closed, time for pay back, i stuck my tongue out when his lips connected. I saw his eyes flicker open in confusion, i broke off laughing,

'that wasn't funny' His voice was serious and moody.

'aarw what's wrong nig bad Damon can't handle tongues!? How are you gonna handle me tonite, MR Vampire!?' I carried on giggling, lying down on the kitchen counter in hysterics as he tried to style it out and play it cool.


'why did you buy so much food!?' Maya yelped, gesturing at the floor littered with boxes.

'i have the constant urge to eat your pussy so this-' i gestures at the food. 'is to pre occupy me'

'Well! I say....Mr Salvatore i must say i must agree with you on that!' Her strong british accent was rather good. Damn she looks beautiful. I had never woken up day after day thinking how much i loved some one and was thankful they were here with me know.

'in fact i have the urge to do so right now if i must be-'

'well maybe you should Damon' I snapped my head up at her, to find her biting on a strawberry. I could feel an ache in my fangs, a throbbing, WHY WAS IT SO BAD!? it had never been this bad before! I could feel my veins rise to the surface aroound my eyes, I looked down quickly.

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