Chapter 16 - sexting&death chats

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I found a bar, The Nora Lounge; it was called. I downed half a glass od bourbon before i felt my phone vibrate in my ass pocket. I let it ring a few times, it was probably Stefan. I can't believe i was so careless to let that happen to Maya...She looked so beautiful though, some kind of goddess; in the the white silken night gown, her i loved her hair. She NEVER brushed her hair, she didnt even own a brush; yet her curls fell perfextly from her head. The kind girls spend 100's on curlers and hours doing thier hair. Her eyes were huge! A light milky brown colour, with a hint of grey i had realised.She was so beautiful it hurt, a physical pain; a physical wanting, desire. My phone buzzed again, stupid Stefan! Ihad told him i'd be back in the morning afterripping Maya's bedroom door from the hinges.


i smiled at her text, she never failed to amuse me.

or else what...? ;) xxx i replied, i was trying to be smooth and sexy, i hoped it was working.

im lying naked on the kitchen counter covered in sushi, Damon. i could feel my throat ready to growl and moan, but held it in; bot was she good.

i don't like sushi, but i like you...x  i hovered my thumb over the send button, should i send it? it sounds so corny. Oh well here goes...

Then come home <3

I had to stay away, clear my head abit; gain some control, set some rules mentally. She was making it so hard though.

i'll be there tomorow, when you wake up i'll be there. i just need some time to get my head straight and

okay okay, but im not mad at you Damon...x

Did i hurt you at all? xxx

no no no, i just snooped through your memory abit...sorry about that. And it was the nicest feeling i've ever physically had in my life <3

i'm sorry, i didn't mean to loose control xxx

I know you didnt love, but dw about it, I like it rough ya know ya know ... xx

I smiled goofily at my phone screen, before i felt a faint tap on my shoulder.

'Damon' I turned to the seat beside me to see Salest. 'How's it going Damon? You look abit...' She smiled mockingly at me.

'Yeah yeah whatever.' She was really annoying me now.

'It's Maya, isn't it.'

'What do you know?'

'i know everything....every thing.' She mnew howw she died and all. WOW. 'you must have a few questions, Damon?'

'how does this death and rebirth thing work?' It had seriously stunned me, it didnt make sense what so ever.

'You know what Charmers are, they are no myth. Only they are not as they seem, not all of them are sudectress's that prey on men, using their beauty to tangle webs; some are good. Maya is good' She took a sip of her brandy and continued. 'It was already set for her, she's good. She is pure. The guardians are no angels, but they determine these things, from the moment Maya was born they knew, she was different. Her death was sudden, unknown. When they found out they couldn't let it happen, so they granted her life as she knew it and-'

'Salest i know this, but i want to know what WILL happen, not what did'

'She'll die Damon. She'll die, somehow. Her spirit will travel somewhere, a place of guardians and angels, all that bullshit. Her body will lie in The Garden Of Eden, where she will be reborn, she will have an insane amount of power Damon. People will want to come after her for that. You must be careful'

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