chapter 3 - sad stranger

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i walked to the table he sat at, he stared at me taken aback, as i dropped in the seat next to him. My eyes all wide and childlike, i didn't do it on purpose it just happens. I cupped his chin in my hand, and tilited the strangers face towards me.

'tell me' i said


i opened my mouth shocked by her words. how had she known something was wrong? why did i feel like she knew something...'

'there's this..this girl, or was this girl' i looked at her, she nodded and gestured for me to go on.

' i really loved her and she loved me, but she loved my brother more and..' a quiet gasp interupted my speech. Her mouth formed a little 'o' shape. Her eyes wide and i could s Sense slight emotions like hurt, pain, shock. But i couldn't sense it well, i could get into any other persons mind, but i could barely get into hers. It was like watching a four second trailer for a three hour movie.

'she doesn't love me, i love her. She's quite a mean person but i  guess that..'

my heart completely stopped at that very moment. She rose from her seat above me.

NO! DON'T LEAVE! my head screamed

But instead, with out hesitation her arms wrapped around my neck and the other around my shoulder and she pulled me to her waist. My arms raised i put my arms against her pelvis? or her hip? the back of her legs?

i found my self leaning to her, my head just under her breast's, my arms clinging around her legs, just below her bum. I was shaking. not crying. just shaking. She shushed me, running her fingers through my hair, stroking and rubbing my back.

Nobody had done this to me. No one since...since katherine. Any other woman, was compelled, used for blood and pleasure, some died in the process. The point was who ever held him like this, had never meant it, not until now.

'Maya..?' i brought my self to unbury my face from her body and turned to the door. A girl, afro hair, fairly dark skin stood there, looking very lost.

'uum i gotta go, but hey don't worry bout the girl. She's a fool to mess around with two guys and hurt some one as bad as she hurt you. You'll find a girl, no rush' she pushed me away from her slowly looking at me in the face.

'will i see you again?' i asked in a shy and shaky voice.

'you will' she turned on her heel and left , the door closing behind  her.

WHaT THE HELL DAMON!? what happened... what happened to the bad ass, sexy, devious and charming Damon? huh?

im starting to act like Stefan, uugh! i contorted my face in disguist.

ew, Stefan.

maya, so that was her name.

'Maya' a smile started playing around my lips.

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