{16} - Need Your Loving Tonight

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"We'll leave you alone. Enjoy", Daisy said to her father and his boyfriend as she made her way out the door, Belle was waiting for her.

"It's so weird that they're back together again", Daisy told Belle. "But I like it".

Belle had decided to still talk to Daisy but she wouldn't let her guard down, considering she was Catherine's secretary.

"Well, Daisy, as long as they're happy, I guess we'll be happy with whatever our fathers do". Oh, she knew she was lying to herself.

Daisy and Belle walked to a restaurant near Belle's house, where they were supposed to meet Rami. Belle wasn't very enthusiastic about seeing him again, but she didn't want to be rude and refuse to go.

But after a few hours, Belle became surprised by Rami's attitude. He wasn't acting like a lout, he was actually being nice, and even shared a portion of his food with her. She was happy to see that, and did something that she never thought she'd do.

"Daisy, Rami", she called for her friends' attention. "You should attend my birthday party next Saturday".

"Of course we will", Daisy quickly affirmed, looking to Rami. "Where will it be?".

"My house. I'm so excited, I'm finally hosting a party in my own house, I've always thought it would be a good venue", she smiled.

"Have you thought about the mess you'll have to clean after the party ends?", Rami asked.

"Rami, you and I know very well that we are not the ones who get to clean the house after a party", she smirked.

"It must be amazing to be rich", Daisy sighed. "Anyways, can I bring some friends with me?".

"Sure. My best friend is going to bring like, four people with him".

"Who's your best friend?", Rami questioned.

"His name is Brian".

"May?", Daisy asked.


And it was an awkward moment for the three of them, Brian was Catherine's lover.

"I know what you might be thinking about. I totally didn't know Brian liked Catherine. According to him, he never even know who she was".

"Belle, if you are her best friend, I suppose you know about his love life. I need you to tell me If you know who Beatrice Lane is", Rami said.

"I do know who Beatrice Lane is. She was his long term girlfriend. Why do you ask?".

Daisy, who was sitting next to Rami, looked at him with confusion.

"Beatrice..", he paused and sighed. "She's my half-sister, the youngest daughter of my mother. We have not seen each other in a while, but she contacted me today and said she is in deep trouble. She lost her first job, and she's six months pregnant with a child who is supposed to be fathered by your best friend Brian. He doesn't know because she found out she was pregnant after they broke up. Do you think it could be true?'.

"Oh, wow". Daisy murmured.

Belle blinked twice and frowned, her mind was such in a deep state of shock, trying to process everything Rami had told her in such a quick, unconcerned way.

"I mean, Brian and Beatrice broke up four months ago, and she's six months pregnant. If we do the math, it makes sense", she stated. "But, my God, I never expected to hear something like this tonight. We're talking about... my best friend. He's probably going to be a father".

"What are is she going to do?", Daisy questioned Rami. "What have you adviced her?".

"I'm not the one who decides if she tells him or not. She says she needs money for the baby's delivery. I will pay for it, give her extra cash and that's everything I'm gonna do. I don't want to get involved that much".

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