Chapter 8

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I was glad that he agreed to start over. I was getting so tired of being lead on.

I laughed when he kissed my hand. Just the fact that his whole 'act' was cliche enough, this was amusing. And I enjoyed it.

The first store we went into was the Windows store. We went up to one of the bigger, touch-screen computers to just pass the time. It was funny to see Harry so disconcerted with the computer. As if he hadn't known touch-screens existed. He got a bit flustered so he just started using the mouse and clicked on the Youcam software. He was messing around with all the funny effects and I just stared at him. It was so nice finally getting along with him.

We took a lot of pictures and it was one of the funnest times I've had in a while.

"Can I have your autograph?" squeaked a short, blonde girl approaching Harry. He nodded and signed a reciept of hers.

Don't let chaos ruin a perfectly fun day, I pleaded in my head. Thankfully, she was the only one for the rest of the day to confront him.

After the Windows Store, we headed over to Nordstrom's, which was the closest type of store to Topman's as we were going to get.

"How do I look?" Harry asked, holding up the ugliest floral dress.

"You look devine, Princess Harriette. That would be the perfect dress to wear to the ball," I chortled with the cheesiest posh British accent.

After Harry was done purchasing his two new navy-blue blazers, we headed back to meet up with Niall and Hannah again at Buckle.

"Hey homedawg. I'm just gonna go buy this then I'll be ready." Hannah said.

" SHIT. Niall have you talked to any of the guys?" Harry exclaimed. I was kind of surprised Harry cussed, but I seen it coming at some point.

"Yeah, Liam just called me like twenty minutes ago. Don't worry, the lads have been walking around. They didn't even notice how long we've been here."

"Oh okay, and did you tell them we ran into the girls?"

"Yee, I told them we ran into them and he said 'Oh you mean the girl you-'" Niall stopped talking immediately when he realized I was still standing there."sprayed with silly string," he continued, grinning.

Hannah ran back over to us, tons of shopping bags in hand.

"Seriously," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"What," Hannah replied totally clueless, "oh, right. Don't worry, this was all stuff I needed!" I crossed my arms over my chest, "Really? I'm going to take you to a shopaholic intervention." I said while we all walked towards the entrance we came in at.

Niall then called Lou to tell him where we all were so we could meet up again. When they found us, they all smiled at me and Hannah and we talked about their show tonight.

"I'd love it if you guys could come tonight. I had a really nice time." Niall said smiling at Hannah and I.

"Me too," Harry, Hannah and I said simultaniously.

"Sorry, we can't make it," I started,"we have a party to go to." Hannah went to say something, but I talked before she said anything about our tickets,"I'm so sorry. But thank you for inviting us." Niall and Harry both looked kind of hurt.

"I-uh. That's alright." Niall said with a smile I could tell was completely fake.

"Bye guys!" Hannah blurted as I clenched her wrist and pulled her out to the car.I heard footsteps quickly approaching, and turned around to face who I knew would only be Harry.

"But I never even got your number," he said, sounding a bit bothered.

I laughed and hopped into the car, revving the engine, and driving away leaving Harry standing in the middle of the parking lot.

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