Chapter 26

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I watched Christophe as he spoke to my mother on his mobile. My eyes roamed over his entire body. Starting with his legs, I admired how strong and toned they were, it was obvious he liked to run. Then I moved on to his torso and remembered his carved abs from the night I transitioned into Enki. Then his arms, those strong arms that had saved and held me. The cut along his forearm that I made where I tasted him.

Lastly I looked at his face. That handsome face whose smile touched and lit up every part of me. Christophe caught me looking and flashed me a smile. The burn started in my heart and warmed my entire body. I knew I loved him. Right there. Then I knew I would do anything for him. I would risk everything for him.

Eventually Christophe hung up the phone and slowly walked towards me. He kissed me slowly on the lips.

"You're incredibly beautiful... I wanted to tell you that since the moment I first met you."

"I have to say the feeling is mutual."

"Yes, I can tell when you had your eyes roaming all over me, that you did indeed like what you saw. I could hear it too... your feelings will make you weak."

Christophe laughed his lazy laugh but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that momentarily hit me when he spoke those words. I changed the subject:

"So what is the plan? Time to visit mother dearest?"

"Yes, she isn't happy but be warned she doesn't know I've turned you. Nor does she know about us. All she knows is that your father is after us and that we need her protection."

"Okay well I won't tell if you don't."

My childish joke brought another smile to his face.

"Good. Now come here, I want as many kisses from you as I can before we get to your mother."

Christophe kissed me again. Long and deep. Our energies mixed. It was like we were on fire but in a good way.

"Perhaps we should delay a little longer?"

The energy had to go somewhere and I wanted to be closer to him. Unexpectedly he pushed me away.

"Rose, I know what you feel, it's intense... but let's not rush things."

I nodded but a flush of heat ran to my cheeks. I tried not to think. I didn't want him to know that I was self conscious. I didn't want him to hear the question in my head: "what is wrong with me?"

"Are you okay Rose?"

"Yes, of course, let's go. Who knows where my father is. He could be on our tail any minute"

Christopher nodded and I headed back to the car. Time to manage this intensity of feeling into something worthwhile.


As the car drove up a narrow dirt road surrounded by trees I began to feel energy. I know we were near Enki and by the feeling of it, strong ones at that.

We had been driving for days and although it was nice spending one on one time with Christophe the conversation hadn't been flowing. Not that we were boring each other. Quite the opposite. I shared a little of my past and he shared a little of his but as soon as we reached any kind of emotion Christophe would shut down. It was as if he wanted to get close but when he did the emotion repelled him. It made for an incredibly frustrating journey.

It didn't help the fact that I was still sulking over his earlier rejection. I couldn't help but think the two were connected.

Apparently both of us must have been lost in thought because Christophe slammed on the breaks sending us both flying forward onto the dashboard.

"Christophe, damn, try to get me to my mother in one piece. You trying to dodge a rabbit or something?"

It wasn't a rabbit though. As I straightened myself up I realised we were surrounded by four women. Their energy bounced around the car. 

What do we do Christophe?

Stay calm this is her way.

I regarded the four women surrounding me. They were all catalogue models. Absolutely perfect. Just like Christophe. It must be in the genes. I wondered if I was as beautiful. I felt different. I looked somewhat shinier but was I as stunning?

One of the women made her way to the drivers side and tapped the window. Christophe hit the button to roll the window down.

The woman leaned over, her hair cascading down her chest. She smiled revealing perfect white teeth.

"Hello, again, Christophe. A pleasure as always. You know the score. Out of the car. Blindfold on. Don't worry I won't bite."

She smiled again and I knew that something had gone on between them. A surge of jealously swelled up in me. Wild and uncontrolled. Christophe, reacting, grabbed my hand and squeezed. The tender affection didn't go unmissed. The woman frowned and backed up from the car.

Rose, keep calm, we can't let your mother know too much too soon.

I nodded and we began to get out of the car. I tried to control myself as the woman handled Christophe. I focussed on myself as one of the other women wrapped a blindfold around my eyes.

"So you're the daughter of Calista? She isn't going to be happy to know that you have been changed... in fact I would say she is going to be royally pissed. We have a long way to go. That gives you plenty of time to think. You'll need to be prepared to meet the last queen of the world."

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