Chapter 42

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I look at my hand, the warmth of Christophe still tingling along the fingers. Eventually they turn cold.

"Amahle, you know I cannot go back there. I will not go back".

"My Queen, Tharn is gone. He has fled. No one knows where he has gone".

At the sound of his name my mum turns around, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"I don't expect him to stay underground for long".

"Magnus understands your feelings for your father".

Something begins to burn in the back of my head, pushing to escape. It's as if a ball of rage is churning and pushing to be released. It triggers me. In anger I send out a ball of energy at Amahle, sending her flying threw the window and into the field. Glass shatters and splits. The ball of rage doesn't dissipate, it still pushes.

"What do you want from me?"

I scream it out loud and my mother who was just casually watching the scene unfold, suddenly becomes very interested. She stares intently, curious but also a little scared.

The same power that channeled through me at the lab is now pushing to be released. I thought I was in control of it but now I'm not so sure. Maybe it is the mention of Magnus, maybe it was the departure of Christophe.

Amahle gets up, brushes herself off and cautiously makes her way back. She shouts from afar.

"He told me not to come back without you. Please Rose. You do not owe me anything. But can't you see that we were both prisoners in there? That we both have roles that we would rather not be in?"

She did make me stop and think. I never thought to ponder her in the equation. Noticing my hesitancy she walks closer.

"Please, just come with me. You don't have to stay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Not anymore. As much as it pains me, in truth, Magnus cannot be without you. You are his Queen, not just in name, but in blood. Have you not felt it? Felt like you were missing something?"

I grind my nails into the palms of my hands to distract me from the fact she was completely right.

"I will not go to him".

Amahle's face falls and I dare to think the repercussions she will face if she returns empty handed.

"But he can come to me. If he wants peace between us then he must come in peace, to all of us".

"But he..."

"But nothing. You are right Amahle. I am not the person I used to be. I do not fear, I incite fear. If he wants me, then he come and get me".

Amahle nods and as quick as a blink she is away. I look over at my mother who is staring at me intently.

"Taqeph, we have a lot to talk about".

"Not now".

"Whether you like it or not, it has to happen now, before Magnus and Christophe return".

"Bit late for dating advice, mother".

When the words leave mouth, I wish I could put them back. To my surprise she doesn't seem to be affected.

"You can try and detract from the situation Taqeph or you can face it. Do not follow my path. I've told you this. I once said that your emotions will make you weak. I was wrong. They are your strength. But you've changed. You are half and half. I can feel it, so can Christophe, and probably Magnus now too. They may not see it yet but I do".

"What do you see?"

"That you have the mother in you".

Something pulses in me, a response of truth. The burning in my brain calms and I dare to release it, letting it flow through me. So much power thrives in my body that I slowly float above the ground, light shining from every pore. I look ethereal. I look down at my mother who looks both terrified and starstruck.

"Taqeph, you are beautiful. You are purest power. You are her".

I sense energy approach me and I turn, or rather we turn and regard the person behind us. It is Christophe, and I am suprised that I didn't feel our connection instantly. It is there, but weakened, halved.

He falls to his knees at the sight of me. The Rose part of me calls to him. I want him. But the Mother side pushes him away. Blocks his influence. I do not fight. I lower myself to the floor and walk towards my mother. We touch her cheek and she presses against our hand. We give her our power and she too falls to her knees. The mother speaks through me.

"My servant Calista. You have suffered much for me. You are my child and I will not leave you wanting
Take this gift. Use it to protect us. You know what you must do. The time is soon".

I look on as my mother cries into the hand holding her cheek, my hand. She looks beautiful.

Energy approaches again, an unknown force. I feel it trying to communicate with me, but the Mother blocks it. There is a faint push and it's enough to make me turn us around. I can feel the Mother's disappointment.

It is Magnus, and darkness creeps around us. Dark clouds draw closer, streaks of lighting crack the sky and thunder rocks the earth around us. I see him try to stand strong and bold but I feel his fear. We feel his fear and if is potent.

"You are not welcome".

My mouth moves but the words are not from me. He dares to approach us. I feel her rising attack but Christophe gets there first. We watch together as a brutal fight ensues. Two magnificent men, fighting to the end.

My heart cannot take it but the Mother seems content as if she wants her children to fight, to die.

Fists hit and hurt. You can almost taste the pain. The hate. It palpable. I feel almost like I am back in my prison at the lab and it pisses me off. When I see Magnus on top of Christophe, brandishing the ceremonial dagger, I freak out.


The stream echos for miles around and I'm sure we will have attracted far to much attention, but I don't care. The Mother fights me but I put her back in her box. My mortal mother was right. My emotions were my strength.

I run to them at speed that surely beats light. I place my body between the two and grab the dagger as it pierces my chest. Realising what is happening, Magnus instinctively throws the dagger away instead of pushing it into my heart. His face distorts in genuine concern. Before I have time to think he grabs hold of me in an embrace, surrounding me with his energy.

It is everything. I reach for Christophe and I am complete. We link up together and it is the most sweetest thing in the world.

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