Chapter 9

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The drive into the village was pretty unremarkable. The roads were empty and all i could see for miles were fields and livestock. There were only a few houses dotted about meaning we really were well secluded.

After Christophe brooded about my attire for the first ten minutes of the journey we settled into an awkward silence. Aside from our heritage we really didn't have much in common. I thought of many things that i could start a conversation on but I decided against it. I wasn't sure i would get much of a response from him anyway to be honest.

Turns out that Christophe riding into town with a sports car was exactly the type of camouflage we needed. There were so many expensive cars lined up on the one and only street that if we had been in anything worth less than twenty thousand we would have looked more suspicious. I guess we were in the valley of the rich.

Christophe pulled up to the local shop and turned to face me.

"Remember what i said. I don't want to draw any attention to us. If you happen to be drawn into a conversation then let them know we are just driving through. Try to keep the chatting to a minimum."

I frowned at him.


Christophe wasn't impressed with my sarcasm. Can't he take a joke? If he was annoyed he chose to say nothing.

Christophe left the car and waited for me to join him on the pavement. When I walked around the car to meet him he was leaning casually against the side with his hands in his pockets.

The sun shone on him lighting him up and i noticed how he breathed deeply taking the warmth in. Unlike my choice of clothes Christophe had chosen to wear a plain white t-shirt and black denims.

His eyes were hidden behind aviators. I guess that was for the benefit of others more than sun protection. His eyes were so unusual that you would have to take a second look to make sure they were real. That was attention Christophe would probably want to avoid.

I couldn't help but notice as people passed by how they stared at him. Their eyes roaming over his body. Christophe didn't seem to notice but it was enough to give me secondhand embarrassment.

I would be lying if i said he wasn't good looking. He was textbook handsome and he was...sculpted...for want of a better word. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and according to everyone here, male and female, they all had a liking for Christophe.

It did make me question my own attraction. That tends to happen when you're in the company of a male adonis.

Christophe smiled knowingly and it was obvious that he had been listening in to my inner monologue. He went into his wallet and handed me his card.

"Get what you want. Enough to last say a week."

I blushed scarlet, grabbed the card and made my way into the shop to escape his looks.

There wasn't much in the little shop just the basics. I hovered round the fruit and vegetable stands looking for some inspiration.

I was far from being a Michelin star chef but I could cook, one of the only things my father taught me.

I glanced outside and noticed that Christophe was still standing outside being adored, he would have been more useful helping me.

I grabbed a few bits and bobs and made my way to the cash desk. The woman behind the counter took a while to notice me as she was too busy ogling Christophe. Eventually she turns to me after I pretended to cough.

She smiled at me her cheeks slightly rosy.

"Do you see that guy out there? How fit is he?"

I cringed at her she obviously didn't know that i was with him. I chose not to embarrass her. I didn't care if she fancied him or not. Why would I?

"Sorry, I didn't, I'm just here to buy some food."

The cashier gave me a look then began to beep my items through the till.

I handed the card over to pay and crossed my fingers that it worked. I didnt fancy having to call Christophe to help. I'm sure cashier girl would have loved it though.

I breathe out in relief when I hear the familiar beep of approval. As I reach out to take the card the cashier suddenly stops what she was doing and looks behind me. Her mouth hung open and i felt a familiar powerful force behind me. I turned round ready to tell Christophe where to go but it wasn't him.

Standing in front of me was an extremely tall, blonde haired, viking lookalike. His hair was long and golden. His physique was althetic but not in a body builder way. I lifted my eyes to meet his and felt my neck strain looking up so high.

I opened my mouth to speak but a hand interlocked mine and dragged me away. It happened so quick that i only managed to grab one of my shopping bags. The cashier broke out of her trance and shouted after me:

"Excuse me. Excuse me miss. You've forgot your shopping."

I took one last look at Mr viking as our eyes locked and he smiled at me. Who. Was. That?

I was knocked out of my trance by the burning energy that was pulsing through my hand and travelling through my body. I turned to around to see Christophe looking at me intensely. His voice came out breathy:

"We have to go."

Normally i would have asked him why but there was something in his voice that made me obey.

We rushed into the car and Christophe sped out of town at record speed.

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