Chapter 6

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"To protect you, your dad moved about so that people like me would not find you. I have heard about what happens to girls who transition then are manipulated into unspeakable things"

Unspeakable things? I feel my stomach sink. Why is my life never easy?

Christophe wrings the sweat soaked towel and i can feel the energy in the room change as the beads of sweat evapoarate. His anger is causing power to surge in the room.

He takes deep breaths and slowly the energy is released. His expression softens and all is calm again, including me, he must be using his calming thing again.

I will him to continue even if it does mean hearing things I don't want to hear. Christophe leaves me and sits down on a baroque antique couch. He indicates for me to sit next to him.

In my anticipation of wanting some answers I had been distracted from Christophe's torso but now as he summons me to the couch i find myself becoming overly awkward.

I let the thought out there but Christophe gives no reaction. He has stopped listening to my thoughts. I should have been happy about this situation but now I'm left with the predicament of sitting one on one with Mr muscle.

I slowly make my way over trying my hardest to look everywhere apart from there. Christophe continues as i sit:

"Im sorry but i really dont know why it still angers me the folly of others. We are a dying species Rose and that has its effect on our kind."

Christophe looks at me as if he is trying to decide something. I guess that he wants to reveal something to me but can't work out whether he should or not. I smile as an encouragement i don't want him to stop talking.

"This is maybe too much for you to understand but you have to know why your father went to such extreme lengths to protect you. Our kind cannot explain it but we are no longer able to procreate naturally or scientifically"

Christophe sounds as though he is giving a biology lesson but it does nothing to stop my want to be swallowed by a massive black hole. A reasonably attractive man is talking to me about the birds and bees. Fantastic.

"How much did your father tell you about your mother?"

The mention of my mother comes as a surprise. I don't talk about her with anyone not even my dad.

"All i know is that she died when i was born. I've never seen any pictures my dad said they got lost."

Christophe frowns and he goes into one of his deep thinking moments. If only i could read his every thought!

"Well all you need to know is that you are the last of our kind that was born. So you are special and unique. There are people out there that want to discover why and would use you in ways unimaginable. Hence why your father sought to protect you."

It was great having this history lesson but it would have been better coming from my dad. It was hard not to feel lied to and betrayed. I feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes. I casually turn my head to disguise my emotions. I do not want Christophe to see me cry.

A familiar wave of energy passes over me and i feel the comfort of a warm hug. I look back at Christophe once I feel the sadness depart.

"I guess I should say thank you even if it does feel like an intrusion."

Christophe looks at me with complete honesty and openness.

"To be truthful i no longer feel human emotions. I sense them and i do what comes naturally to me, what i was taught".

I don't respond. It wasn't as if I expected anything from him. I let the silence hang in the air. I am not enjoying this conversation anymore.

"How much do you know about mother nature?"

His change of tact is confusing. He does have an amazing ability to completely throw me. Reluctantly i answer:

"Um it is metaphorical for someone who made all of nature?"

Christophe tries to hide a smile and i wonder why my answer amuses him. It wasn't something that was high priority on the school curriculum.

"Metaphorical hmm? Fortunately no she is our creator the creator of everything you see, hear and touch. She made you and i and we are called Enki. We are her warriors on Earth to protect and preserve her most precious creation."

I allow a silence to fall as i think about what Christophe has revealed to me. I have too many questions. Where to start?

"You know when i was younger a man knocked on my house door and preceded to tell me that the world was created by a man named God and that he had a human on Earth that was to protect it called Jesus."

"Now I'm not saying that what you are saying is false. I have witnessed what you can do and i'm beyond impressed, well apart from the reading my thoughts part that's sucky. What i'm trying to say is is its hard to believe something is true when you can't see it with your own eyes or feel it. Do you know what i mean?"

Christophe considers what i have said. I thought he'd be annoyed like the man that preached about God and sin but he seemed deep in thought.

"I do understand what you mean. I was the same when my teacher told me. It's a very human thing to question but whether you like it or not this is you and that is unquestionable."

That remains to be seen. I still cannot fathom having the powers that Christophe possesses. It still seems so unreal that this is even happening to me.

Christophe leans into me and disrupts my thoughts.

"It is happening to you. You are Enki and it's your responsibility to protect this world from those that want to destroy it"

I laugh because what else can you do in a situation like this? Then it occurs to me:

"I thought you stopped listening to my thoughts?"

Christophe smiles and he almost looks guilty. Almost.

"I've revealed a secret to you that has been kept hidden since the beginning of time. You laughed. I had to get an incline to how you were feeling. I'm entrigued to how you came to know i wasn't listening."

I blush and allow a glimpse at his bare chest. He follows my gaze down and makes the realisation. In lightning speed he grabs his t-shirt and pulls it over his head. Shame.

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