Chapter 14

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The three of us stood in the library looking at each other. Christophe had still not warmed toward Magnus and he didn't try to hide it. Magnus, if aware of the anger rolling out from Christophe, didn't seem to be bothered by it.

He looked to me and smiled. I felt butterflies swirl and soar in my stomach. He was breathtakingly beautiful and i was in deep trouble.

No boy or man has ever made me feel this way and the feelings i was experiencing were all new and exciting.

Thus lies the trouble. The feelings i am feeling were they truly mine?

So far we have worked out that Magnus cannot hear us with his mind but what if he can control our emotions.

I drag my eyes from Magnus and look at Christophe, he has a face of thunder.

Christophe listen to me I think Magnus can control our emotions. I don't feel his presence though.

I watch as the realisation hits him. He turns his gaze to Magnus. He points at him:

"You. You are controlling our emotions are you not?"

Magnus holds his hands up in mock surrender.

"You caught me"

He laughs and i try not to let Christophe's anger choke me. Being connected to him is really becoming a pain.

"You think this is funny?"

I feel the butterflies flutter away. He was still beautiful i just felt a little more capable of controlling how i felt now.

"I apologise i am using the only card i have. You are both so powerful and i need your leadership. I have been an orphan for too long."

His sharing made both Christophe and i pause, myself more so for being described as powerful. I looked at Christophe who was scrutinising Magnus, he was beginning to calm.

"If that is the case then why can we not feel your presence in our heads? Only the most powerful of Enki can slip into a mind without being noticed."

"It takes a lot of practice."

"It would take hundreds of years to perfect the ability. Exactly how old are you and if you don't mind i want to listen in to your thoughts just to make sure you are not lying."

Magnus nodded his consent.

"I am over five hundred years old."

I looked to Christophe:

Is he telling the truth?

Yes. I suppose he is.

Five hundred years old. Wow.

"You are like really old!"

It was stating the obvious but what else was i to say. 'What does it feel like to be medieval?'

"Yes i am but not nearly as powerful as you Christophe. You must have had a very powerful creator to be able to wield power like you do."

Magnus turns to me now:

"And you, you must be very old the power i feel from you."

Powerful? I wasn't even two days new to my powers. Christophe too looked confused. It didn't make me feel any better about the situation.

"You feel her power too? I thought it was just a connection between creator and created."

A look passed over Magnus. As if for a second he was surprised or shocked i couldn't work out which. 

"I never realised that you evoked her power."

He stated it like it was fact no expression. Almost instantly his face lit up in a smile:

"Well you must be from a very powerful family indeed."

"I never knew my mother and my father I'm not really sure how powerful he is. We never shared much family talk."

Magnus exchanged a look with Christophe. Something passed between them in that look. Someone wasn't being completely honest.

"Christophe was my father Enki?"

He turned away from me. I asked again.

"Was my father Enki?"

Magnus sensing the building tension began to walk backwards towards the door.

I pushed myself into Christophe's head and he fought so hard to keep me out but he failed.

Think of nothing think of nothing think of nothing.

I felt rage build up in me. What was he hiding? I was finding it hard to keep control. Everything in the room began to move: chairs, books, papers and still Christophe would not look at me.


My voice poured out of me in a scream. It scared me.

Christophe turned to me and his features twisted. It was his turn to shout:


And that was the straw that broke the camels back. I ran towards him in lightning speed and pushed all my energy into his body. He went flying in the air and smashed into a bookcase topling to the floor. Books fell upon him and around him.

When i saw his limp body i became suddenly sober. What had i done?

I slowly walked towards Christophe but strong arms grabbed me from behind. I couldn't work out whether it was shock or exhaustion but I let them take me.

I felt peaceful and calm it must be Magnus who held me in his arms. My knees buckled and i fell but Magnus caught me, scooped me up and carried me away from the library, from Christophe.

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