Chapter 36

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I tentatively knock the door that joins our bedrooms, and think that it isn't too late to change my mind and go back to sleep. I hear the shuffling of feet and I know it is too late to pretend I hadn't knocked the door. I take a step back, straighten my shoulders and imagine that I am the most powerful person in the world.

The door opens, and I am met with Magnus's muscled bulk. He is half dressed with only a blanket covering the important parts. I blush, who wouldn't. Nope. I couldn't do this when he was the way he was. I turn to walk away.

"Rose, what do you want?"

I want to keep walking but I did knock his door. I need to think of something.

"I had a bad dream".

"A bad dream?" He laughs.

I turn to face him, deliberately focusing on his face. His hair is loosened, waves of blond hair reach below his chest. He looked like a viking from a film, or course I knew that he was indeed, actually a viking.

"Look, if you're going to laugh at me then shut and lock the door again".

He sweeps his hair back and smiles.

"You have come to me?"

What does he mean, come to me? What a stupid thing to say. Have you come to me? Really? What does he...

"Nevermind, you can come in if you wish. Tell me about your bad dream".

I was looking and feeling lame, so I felt the need to prove that I did actually have a point. I walk into the room, similar to mine, and a noise draws me to the bed. A woman with the most beautiful dark skin is lying on the bed.

"I, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise, didn't know..."

What an awkward mess. I turn to leave but Magnus blocks the way to my room. I look up him, cheeks flaming red.

"Let me past Magnus".




I use my hands to attempt to manhandle him out the way, hands touching arms only. Of course without my powers I have no hope of moving him. He looks down at me and smiles. Not his usual patronising smile, it almost looks genuine.

"Please, Rose, sit down. On the couch if you must".

First time I have heard him actually ask politely. It was quite unnerving. No point in arguing so I move to the couch and sit down. Trying hard to avoid looking at the woman.

"So you are the daughter?"

Her voice is deep and smooth like silk, I turn to look at her as she wraps a robe around herself and settles on the edge of the bed. Magnus leans against the wall, watching both of us with curiosity.

"Of Tharn? I guess I am".

"You look like him".

Do I?

"He comes across badly, I of all people know that. But deep down he is a good man".

Who was she? And why did she feel the need to defend my father to me? I just nod.

"I am Amahle. Its a pleasure to meet you. You are quite the celebrity".

"I am?"

"Yes. The first, and last born in centuries. You are a gift from The Mother. Chosen. You are the start of a new beginning".

Amahle shows so much passion that I can't help but believe her convictions, despite how misplaced they may be.

"I'm just Rose, or Taqeph to some."

"You are a Queen and should be regarded as so".

I look at Magnus and he shrugs his shoulders. A pillow is launched and hits Magnus square in the face.

"You are unworthy of her."

Magnus places the pillow back on the bed and sits down next to Amahle, he takes her face in his hand and gently kisses her cheek. 

"Perhaps I am, but not for you".

I go to stand up and leave the happy couple but Magnus leans back from her and walks towards the outer door.

"Amahle, if you wouldn't mind leaving".

She stands and walks towards me.

"Know you are a gift to our people, no matter what others may say. I will be a friend to you, you can trust me".

She kisses me on the cheek and leaves. I look at Magnus.

"Are all women subservient to you?"

He laughs.

"Amahle is anything but subservient to me. Perhaps she will be to you though."

"That was weird" 

"She sees you for what you are. A queen a goddess. Maybe one day you will see it for yourself".

"Probably not."

"So you wanted to see me?"


"You didn't?"

"Not strictly."

"So what is it Rose? You either wanted me or you didn't?"

"I don't want anyone".

"Do you have a problem with Amahle?".

"No of course not, apart from her obvious misplaced admiration, she was fairly pleasant, much more than you have ever been!"

"So you attack me now, after knocking on my door?"

I grumble out loud in frustration. I had an agenda when I came in, but seeing him with Amahle had made me feel awkward. Why did I care if he had someone in his bed? By rights he is allowed. It saves him trying anything with me. But I was annoyed.

"Oh to hear your thoughts Rose."

Just as well he couldn't. My cheeks blush at the thought of it and he moves towards me. He stands and leans down, inches from my face. I place a hand to his chest and push softly, warning him to back off.

"Maybe I don't need to hear your thoughts to know how you feel".

"I would like to go back to my room now".

He leans in closer so that our noses almost touch. I look down at his lips. For a brief moment I think that I have gotten myself into deep trouble. He looks into my eyes and as if reading my fear he backs off.

"I said I wouldn't touch you until you came to me".

I get up and walk towards the safety of my room. I take a look back at him,  as I shut the door, he looks back at me. I feel the familiar feeling I've had before with him. That same intense feeling.

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