Chapter 41

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I feel like a ghost most days, a sort of empty vessel. I walk through the halls of Hornwood, floating, as if I am haunting the place, or the place haunts me.

Christophe is always there, our bond keeping us connected even when we are apart. But it isn't the same. The intense feeling of connection we once had has lessened and we both don't know what to do about it.

It is hard to pinpoint the reason why. I feel disconnected from the world. There are parts of me missing and I don't know how to find them again. What makes it all worse is that I feel the loss of Magnus the most. It shames me to even think of it. I've been rehashing the last couple of weeks over and over in my head. I remember most things. The imprisonment, the injections, the conversations with my father, with Magnus. What I can't remember is what happened that day. I have seemed to have blocked it out.

I cannot be away from Christophe but I can't be close to him. It is the strangest thing. My mother has been avoiding me, and I am okay with that. I am not ready to talk about what I have been through, and I'm sure they both want to understand, but not now.

I stare blankly out of the window absentmindedly. I notice something approaching with speed and although I feel my heart pulse and energy flow, I cannot bring myself to care. Friend or foe, I no longer fear.

Christophe of course springs to attention, my forever Knight and hurls himself towards the supposed threat, launching himself out of the open window. He isn't as fast as my mother who, like a blur, attacks the enemy. She grabs the person by the throat and the sound of two accelerated Enki clashing makes the ground shake. When the dust clears I recognise who it is. Its Amahle.

I remain stationary, not having the desire to intervene. I know she will be overpowered if my mother and Christophe attack and yet I do nothing. My mother holds Amahle by the throat, her legs dangling high of the ground. Christophe stalks around her, looking wildly around perceiving her to bring company.

I listen into Amahle's thoughts, not wishing for her to share anything with either of my protectors.

What are you doing here?

Amahle looks up at the window, hearing me speak to her.

My queen. I have come on behalf of Magnus. Please tell them to back off. No one is here to harm you. I'm not sure you can be anymore.

My heart skips a beat when I hear his  name. I release some energy into her, annoyed that I felt anything about him. She squeals in pain and my mother drops her, grasping her own hand in pain. Christophe looks up at me, a troubled look in his eyes.

My love? Do you know this Enki?


Christophe looks back at me, waiting for more but I give him nothing. He sighs and links with my mother. He signals for Amahle to join them inside Hornwood.

I watch as they enter below through the conservatory and I listen to the slow steps of Christophe ascend the stairs.  He opens the door and tentatively walks forwards, sitting  opposite me, almost touching but not quite. For the longest time he joins my stare out of the window, we sit in silence for the longest time. He reaches out his hand and I stare at it as if it is a foreign object, fearful of what it will mean if it connects with my own. Energy buzzes around us. It feels so sweet and I feel my muscles relax, I never even knew were tense. Christophe turns to me.

"Do you want me to stop?"

I think about it.


He sends energy pulsing into me, relaxing my whole body, feelings of happiness soaring through me. I let it rush round me and I watch Christophe who clearly is reeling from the contact. He closes his eyes and lays back. I watch with intrigue at his subtle features, his nose, cheeks, chin, mouth. He truly is a stunning man. I can feel, even with his eyes closed and the distance between us that he wants me. I can feel that he is struggling to control himself. I send energy rushing into him and his eyes fly open, a gasp escaping his mouth. I cannot hold back anymore, I take his hand and he pulls me down into his lap, encircling his arms around me. I find his lips and we kiss, it is the sweetest thing.


I know what he is wanting. He digs his face into my neck and kisses gently.

I hate to break up a good thing but my message is more important.

I pull away from Christophe and he moans. When he looks up into my eyes he knows that something is up.

"What is it my love?"

"The woman downstairs, her name is Amahle and she has a message for me from Magnus".

I feel Christophe tense against me.

"If we must".

I nod and plant a kiss on his lips. He pulls me in for a deeper embrace. It almost makes me stay.

He grips my hand and we walk down together. For the first time in a long time I feel almost normal. I have the man I love with me again. I am safe. I am not part of some sadistic breeding plot. Life is almost, dare I say it, good.

When we enter the grand hall, both my mother and Amahle look at our hands clasped. My mother seems somewhat relieved but Amahle, for the briefest moment frowns. Her frown turns into a smile and she approaches us with caution, slowly bowing low when she is metres before us. It seems almost strange and a little forced.

"My Queen, thank you for seeing me. You were magnificent at the labs. I am in awe of you and your power..."

Christophe holds his hand up.

"Hurry this up, you are not welcome here".

Amahle frowns and I hear her thoughts. She disrespects his age and calls him a little boy. As far as I can tell, he doesn't hear her.

"Magnus politely asks that you return to him. He wants you to come back in peace. Alone".

Energy swirls in the air as Christophe begins to silently rage. My mother remains impassive and turns away as if she knows what is coming.

"I will not. I cannot".

"But my Queen, you must, you are sealed together for eternity".

There is a brief moment where the air suddenly stops. Everything seems in slow motion as realisation slams into Christophe like a tonne of bricks. I expect war, the energy in the room makes it inevitable. To my surprise Christophe drops my hand and like a bolt runs out of the glass doors and transforms into his beautiful eagle. Our link breaks and I feel disconnected again.

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