Chapter 43

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I let Magnus hold me, unsure of how I feel about it. On one hand I am feeling  deeply connected to him, on the other I am disgusted with my feelings for him. With his embrace comes all the memories that I had chose to forget. The energy between the three of us ripples and I break the connection. In an instant Christophe has his arms around me protectively, the other ready to attack Magnus. As quick as lightning, I pull the hand towards me, blocking him from doing anything. I needed time to think about my next move, not break up another fight.

"We all need to talk".

Christophe tightens his grip and Magnus frowns. I can feel both of them reel from the suggestion.

"Fighting is not going to solve this".

Christophe pulls me behind him and prepares for another attack, but I am quicker. With little effort I put myself between the two.

"We will solve nothing by Fighting!!".

"He has tried to kill me twice now, Rose. He will not stop until he finishes me off. He has taken you against your will, held you prisoner, abused you and has sealed you two together. I would rather die than stand him being attached to you Rose. I cannot stand it".

The immense pain I feel from him penatrates my heart and almost cripples me. We hadn't had a chance to talk. Truly, I never knew the full Implications of what a sealing was. I guess that you couldn't just divorce like a normal couple would. My ignorance was always my biggest weakness.

I turn to him and hold his face. I look deep into his eyes.

"I love you Christophe, nothing will come between us, nothing".

His eyes drop and I know he doesn't believe me.

"You don't understand Rose. You can't just turn your feelings off for him. You  share a part of your soul with him. I could feel the joy when he held you. You need him. As much as it sickens me to say".

Magnus steps closer to me and I hate that it feels good.

"He is right Rose, you are part of me now. In time you will come to see what a powerful couple we will make".

I turn on him and push energy into his stomach, sending him flying. As I hit him I feel pain deep in my stomach, and I watch as Christophe crumbles too. What was going on? I look to Christophe and he just shakes his head.

Magnus gets up and brushes himself off. He approaches me with caution but I can see that he too is confused.

"I don't understand. It shouldn't happen like this. Your bond with Christophe should have died the moment you were sealed to me".

Christophe stands slowly and begins to walk away. I feel his rage, and now Magnus must too.


He keeps walking.

He is annoyed at me, despite it not being my fault. What a right royal mess we've got into. I follow Christophe and Magnus follows me. Walking into Hornwood I pass my mother.

"You know anything about this?"

"No, but I think you should give Christophe some space. We must deal with Magnus first".

I nod and Magnus makes himself perfectly comfortable on the same couch we had out first kiss on. He knows how to piss me off, perhaps we were married. He gestures for me to sit next to him but I stand with my mother instead. Link or not, I was pissed off with him.

Surprisingly my mother approaches him. Magnus regards her with interest but doesn't see her as a threat, not now that to hurt him will hurt two other people, including her daughter.

"Believe me Magnus, I wish nothing more than to squeeze your neck until your eyes pop. Unfortunately I can't. I will never forget what you have done to my daughter. Never. I will find a way to break this connection.".

Magnus stands up and approaches her menacingly.

"Remember Calista, you cannot kill me, but I can still kill you".

I fire energy into him without thinking and we both end up on the floor in pain. Still I do believe it was worth it, I hope Christophe feels the same. My mother helps me up from the floor.

"Thank you for that Rose, but you must be careful. I don't need you to fight my battles".

She rounds on Magnus.

"Now, can we have a respectful conversation? Tharn. I'm assuming he was behind this... union?"

"Yes, and no".

"Its either one or the other Magnus, spit it out".

"Yes he chose me to breed with Rose, but it was me who requested that we be sealed".

"What so you could rape her without guilt? You are reaching with that one, how dare you".

It creeps back into my mind, that horrible moment. The lab, my paralysis, him on top of me....

I feel sick. Weak. Destroyed. I begin to shut down again.

Magnus falls to his knees, feeling my hurt. Christophe appears and fills the three of us with rage.

"You MONSTER. You raped her? I Want to kill you Magnus so so bad, and one day I will".

Tears come to my eyes. Magnus crawls towards me, reaching out and it makes me sick that I want to comfort him.

"Do not come any closer Magnus. Please".

He looks hurt.

"I couldn't".

I pause. I look into his tear soaked eyes. Confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't do it Rose. Yes I wanted you, needed you. Yes I knew that it was for the cause. But when I looked into your eyes... you were away... I mean you were there physically, but in your mind you were elsewhere. I had thought... thought the sealing... that it would have made you love me. But I knew instantly that you escaped your mind rather than deal with what was happening. I couldn't do it Rose. My Queen. I couldn't disrespect you in that way. Even if it meant death. I chose it".

He sobs and I feel his shame. I feel Christophe's relief too. I want to reach out and comfort Magnus but it wasn't okay between us. It had gotten that far, and that was bad enough.

"I will never love you Magnus. Sealing or no".

I feel his heart crumble and I feel it too. Whether it was his emotion I was feeling or my own was... complicated.

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