Chapter 4

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It is as the last embers burn in the fire that i finally wake having been chilled by the cold air. My neck and back are stiff and they cramp as i try to move them. I look around the room and everything is pitch black. Where did the time go? Last thing i remember was reading the diaries that Christophe left me. 

Things slowly start coming back: i was reading about an archaeological dig. I've always been fascinated by Egypt and Pharaohs it made for interesting reading. Christophe never mentioned whose diaries they were, they were dated at the beginning of the 18th century so possibly his great great great great grandfather? I was impressed that he had managed to keep them from being worn. Of course they could be fakes. Anything is possible here...apparently. 

I place the book down and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Part guessing and part feeling i make my way to the door and walk out into the corridor: it's dark here also. Does this place not have any electricity? How am i supposed to charge my phone?

 In the distance i can see candlelight dancing from the window in Christophe's office so i make my way towards the light and push the door open. Inside Christophe is sitting in his chair reading and seems engrossed. I hover at the door not sure whether i am disrupting him or not and purposely knock the door to get his attention. Without looking up he responds:

"Miss Renoit i could hear the blood rush to your muscles as you began to awaken from your sleep i really don't think you need to knock to get my attention"

He eventually lifts his eyes from his book and smiles and i can't tell whether i have annoyed him or not.

"Mr DeVain the lights are out, do we have any electricity? I have a phone that i need to charge. My dad might have texted me and..."

Christophe cuts me off:

"There is no electricity in this building, yet. I plan on connecting a few things up tomorrow at first light. As regards to your phone: I've asked your father not to contact you and i do not want you contacting anyone else."

I feel the unfairness and anger burn in my stomach and slowly rise.

"You cannot stop me from using my own phone!"

I place my hand in my pocket to make sure it's still there. It wouldn't have surprised me if it had been taken from me. Christophe smiles again but it isn't warm in fact i'd say it was borderline threatening.

"You are correct Miss Renoit i cannot stop you from using your phone but you may find it doesn't work here."

I pull out my phone and notice it is turned off. Holding down the on switch i try to turn it on but to no avail the screen remains blank. My anger boils.

"You broke my phone? My only comfort? I can easily get another!"

My face begins to grow red from rage and Christophe looks me directly in the eyes with no emotion.

"You might find that all things that emit signals will not work. In fact you might find that electricity works differently around here. My presence tends to make anything battery powered not work. I find that solar power works best as it is weaker. I'm sure the world refers to it as renewable energy."

Christophe lips curl up into a lazy smile and i feel as though I've missed the joke. He continues:

You will find Miss Renoit that you'll have no need for electricity or a phone for that matter. When you become what you were meant to be the only power you will need is your own."

I am about to continue our argument when the lamp on the desk suddenly comes to life and i stare at it as if it is precious solid gold. I open my mouth to speak but i realise that asking anymore questions whilst there are still so many unanswered will be more of a hindrance than a help. Plus i don't want to look like more of a petulant child than i already do. My instinct is to stamp my feet until i get my way but something tells me that it wouldn't work on Christophe. 

I slump down on the chair next to the desk and ask:

"Where am i to sleep? Do i even have a bed?"

I feel beaten and deflated. There have been so many things that have happened today that it all hits me at once and i feel dog tired. Christophe says:

"I have cleared a room for you on the upper floors. It has a bed and your bags are already there. It is nothing special but you can do with it what you will, it is yours. Take this candle to light your way. Given time, patience and practice you won't need flame or electricity to light a dark path."

I throw him a sarcastic smile. All the promise of 'power'. Promises promises. 

I leave the office make my way to what will be the room i spend my sheltered life in. Already prepared are a few candles dotted around the room and i cannot make out much of the decor but at least it is clean unlike the rest of the dust filled rooms. I climb into an antique four poster bed, pull the duvet over me and cry myself  to sleep.

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