Chapter 17

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We were back in the library Magnus and i. I was lost in my own deep thoughts as i looked at the piles of books where Christophe had fallen. I had been so angry at him. It was so unlike me but then I didn't like to talk about my mother. It was not a subject i felt comfortable talking about even with my Dad.

I wonder what he was doing now. Was he near by or had he driven far, far away. There was still the confusion of whether he was Enki and who my mother was. Christophe had the answers but whilst he was in bird form we could hardly communicate. Maybe he had done it on purpose.

Magnus walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. The energy flowed through his hands and through me leaving my legs feeling wobbly.

"Try not to beat yourself up about it babe. Christophe will get over it."

I turned towards him so we were in a sort of separated hug. I felt a need within in my heart and i wrapped my arms around his broad waist laying my head on his bare chest.

I should have been embarrassed at my actions but it felt right and as his arms wrapped around my shoulders it made sense. We stood holding each other for what seemed like minutes. I was the first to pull away even though it felt as if we were attached by elastic bands.

I looked up at his face and found that it smiled knowingly at me as if he knew it was going to happen. Now I felt embarrassed. Was i that predictable?

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, it's been a very stressful day."

"Don't apologise i enjoyed it."

I blushed noticeably. Time to move on swiftly i think.

"So what can you teach me?"

Magnus smiled and we were back to business. He walked over to the couch and signalled for me to sit. When we were both sitting he reached out his hands in front of him and i reluctantly took them. The pulse of energy was so consuming i struggled to hold on.

"First lesson is how to control your energy and others. We have to walk before we run. Right now I can tell you are struggling to keep control, this is because you are allowing it to take control."

I felt sweat bead at the top of my brow and i gripped onto Magnus's hands. My head was pounding. Every urge was to pull away. As amazing as the feeling of having Magnus's energy pulse around me the pain of it was as equal. Magnus tugged at my hands to bring my focus back.

"Stop trying to fight it you'll only hurt yourself. Imagine the energy as if it was a line of light travelling through and around your body. Following its path. Notice how it moves freely. What you need to do is gain control of the line."

I focused on the energy and imagined it as a living thing. It pulsed up and down my arms. I screwed my eyes up and tried to concentrate but the pounding of my head was getting worse.

"Magnus i can't do it my head is going to explode."

"No, it isn't, you just have to focus. Focus Tracey."

Again i tried to take control of the light but it danced freely taunting me. I was beginning to become really frustrated which made my head pound stronger. When the banging in my head became like a church bell tower i had had enough. I screamed and pushed the energy out of my hands and into Magnus.

The energy caused Magnus to fly off the couch and crash into the nearby wall. I was frightened and impressed that little old me had managed to throw Magnus's bulk into the wall.

With the energy spent realisation of what i had done hit me. I quickly got up and ran towards Magnus who was dusting himself off.

I expected him to be injured and to be pissed but he smiled broadly. 

"That's my girl."

That made me stop.

"What? How can you say that! I've thrown you into a wall because I'm so stupid that i can't even do the basics! I should just give up now before I really hurt someone."

Magnus laughed and i frowned. When his laugh grew louder i couldn't help but smile. I pushed him softly in the stomach.

"Don't laugh at me it's not funny. I could have really hurt you."

"I suppose you could have but I'm made of stronger stuff. Your little power surge is nothing. Think what you could achieve if you could fully gain control."

That made me think. It was almost terrifying to think of the possibilities. Magnus grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the couch. We gripped hands again.

The energy flowed into me with the same intensity but i had more confidence now. I certainly wasn't going to injure Magnus again. That was definetly a motivational factor.

I focused on the line of light as it wiggled about back and forth. I imagined it like i was unravelling tangled wires until the light was perfectly straight. I then imagined it slowing and it did. The banging in my head lessened and i found i could concentrate easier.

"Perfect Tracey you almost have it! Now tell it where you want it to go."

Where did I want it to go? I could send it back to Magnus or I could keep it. Or.....

I had seen Christophe doing it the first time I met him and i was so impressed. He had told me that it would be as easy as breathing.

I flung the energy towards the logs on the fireplace and watched as they caught fire. I gasped at what i had achieved. Magnus also gasped and when I turned around to look at him i couldn't work out whether he was impressed on not. He was deep in thought anyway.

"Did I do wrong?"

He paused for several seconds before responding.

"No, you were amazing more than amazing. I just...thought it would take longer."

"Longer? For what?"

He shook his head and i was instantly confused. Was the point not for me to learn how to control my powers?

"What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing babe I'm just really impressed. You shouldn't be able to do that so quick is all. Just how new to this are you?"

"A couple of days."

His mouth dropped open in shock but then he checked himself. His mouth turned up into a heart stopping smile and i gulped.

He leaned forward and laid his hand on my cheek stroking the side of my lip. The energy flowed but it was mine now and i sent it back into his hand, i felt him convulse.

His eyes boared into mine, deep and intense. He moved slowly towards me and our lips touched. There was no controlling that energy. It stormed into me and Magnus's hand moved around to the back of my head pulling me to him. Our lips moulded together perfectly and moved.

Reluctantly Magnus parted his lips from mine and looked into my eyes.

"You are a beautiful, amazing woman."

Then we kissed again.

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