Magnus's Journal

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I hate her. Well, strongly dislike. She isn't for our kind and is being difficult. I've lived through so much of this world and difficult women have never been an issue. I know I have a distinct advantage with being Enki, but I didn't expect to be rejected. She is a princess, her father and mother are king and queen of the Enki. As close to the originals as I will ever be, though I am part of their line. She is a little girl. For her to be so obtuse is beyond words. I thought teenagers were supposed to be hormonal. Surely she should be putty in my hands. Then did I really expect less for the daughter of Tharn. He is just as cold as his daughter.

Perhaps back when he found me all those centuries ago, I looked up to him like a father. My real Enki parents decided that they were no longer for this world and choose to be sacrificed at blòt. I hate them for it. I hate that they gave up. I was a young man, not ready to lose them. I vowed that I would fight for our race, no matter what it took. Then I met Tharn. He had the same passion to make the Enki rulers of the world. Too long have we hidden ourselves in the shadows. This is our time. Humans must die. They must pass over.

Of course The Mother knew of our plans and cursed us. We cannot have children, though I did try, often. For centuries we tried to find a way. We developed science and used it to our advantage. The humans think all miracles are at their hands. Idiots. It was of course Tharn that developed modern day IVF. All the work he did with the women Enki was outstanding.

Now that is a miracle. Of course we couldn't make any children. We just made more humans.

Then Calista finally got pregnant. What joy we all felt that day. To know we had achieved what no Enki had ever before. Our little miracle.

Then she took it away from us. How cruel. Most of all to Tharn. She ran away thinking he was some kind of demon. All he ever wanted was to have a child.

Now what do we have? A spoiled little girl that has too much human nature about her. Poisoned by her mother.

Nevermind. She will submit to me when I make her see. When I make her see the little miracle she is to the world.

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