Chapter 22

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I crash landed onto the grass outside the window. Pain laced all down my body but i found the strength to stand.

Rose come back now! You don't know what you're up against!

I pushed him out of my mind. I wasn't going to run anymore. It was time to meet my father.

I walked slowly towards the woods. The first person to step out into the clearing was Magnus. I gathered energy up in my hands and fired all that i had at him. He managed to dodge the brunt of the hit but the quick roll to the side landed him harshly on the ground. Like a cat he sprung to his feet.

"Is that all you've got? I think you have a little more in you. Or do you just want to kiss and make up?"

I lifted my hands up again but a crash from behind stopped me. Christophe was at my side.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that."

Magnus let out a harsh, loud laugh.

"Are you her knight in shining armour? Have you told her that you love her yet?"

A pulse of energy bolted from Christophe and knocked Magnus back into the trees.

He loves me? My stomach lurched. I looked at him willing him to look back but he was focussed on the trees in the distance. Maybe Magnus was wrong.

I half expected Magnus to slink back into the clearing like the snake he was but i was met with those eyes that were like my own. It was my father.

He walked from out of the shadows and clapped his hands deliberately slowly. I looked at Christophe and thought he would attack him as well but instead he looked at me for something. Was it permission?

This was my battle to face. Christophe knew that.

My father stopped several metres away from us. There was an air of arrogance around him that showed he wasn't afraid of us. If he played nice he wouldn't need to be.

Rose be very careful. He may be your father but that doesn't mean he'll treat you like a daughter.

My father laughed out loud.

"Come children do you think your private conversations can alude me?"

"No, father, but we now know you can hear us. That wasn't very clever of you."

His face turned to thunder and with the flick of the wrist Christophe was thrown into the air, landing with a crash somewhat in the distance.

"Don't get smart with me child. Every clever comment you make i will take out on him."

He had me. I could take what he wanted to throw at me but I couldn't withstand him hurting Christophe.

"Now, can we talk like adults?"

I nodded my head. I refrained from telling him that attacking Christophe wasn't exactly adult.

"Rose. Just like the flower. What a fitting name. You are beautiful. Just like your mother."

"Get to the point."

"You also have your mother's temperament. Never mind we can cut formalities. I have been searching for you for a very long time. It was very unfair of your mother to run away with you."

I felt Christophe approach from behind me. We stood together almost touching. The energy buzzed between us.

"Ah Christophe nice of you to join us. We were just getting to the best part. What was i saying. Oh yes. Your mother running away with you."

Christophe stepped forward half his body protecting mine.

"Why don't you explain to Rose why Calista ran away?"

Calista? So that was my mother's  name?

My father raised his hand again but this time Christophe anticipated the attack and dodged it.

"You know Christophe you are really starting to grate on me. One more word out of you and I'll stop being nice."

I reached out and touched Christophe's arm. The sharp sweet energy spiked between us and it didn't go unnoticed.

My father grinned.

"Are you going to ask me permission to date my daughter?"

I had had enough of these games. 

"If you have something to say then say it."

"Of course Rose. You were stolen from me and now I have come to claim you back. I am however very disappointed that you received your powers by drinking the blood of this welp. You are the daughter of a king and Queen. You deserve better blood. But no matter. It's all relative. You are aware of the dire situation of our race?"

I nodded.

"So you'll know how precious you are. How important you are to the survival of the Enki?"

"Christophe has told me everything. I know that you plan on using me as some kind of scientific experiment. That won't be happening."

"Shame. I hoped you would come willingingly."

It was clear that my father wouldn't leave without me. I wasn't willing to go. So where did that leave us?

Christophe was the first to make a move. He sent a ball of energy and hurled it towards my father who dodged it easily. He retaliated and the surge hit Christophe right in the stomach throwing him to the ground. The Earth crumbled underneath Christophe's body and his body flopped.

My stomach rose to my throat. I couldn't bare to seem him so vulnerable. I felt anger replace my fear. The energy boiled over. I turned towards my father and put all my pent up anger, hurt and frustration into my attack.

The power of my energy crashed into my father sending him flying. His body pulled down several trees as he fell. He hit the ground with a giant this that sounded like thunder.

Releasing that amount of energy left me feeling weak and cold inside. In the distance i could see Magnus rush to my fathers side. We wouldn't be able to face both of them when my father came to.

I kneeled down by Christophe's limp body. My hand reached to his face and i lifted his head up.

"Christophe please wake up. We have to go."

There was no response. I turned back to my father he was unsteadily rising to his feet. Magnus was running towards us.

Christophe please. Please come back to me.

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