Chapter 11

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Sitting in my room with my head in my hands i contemplate what i have agreed to do. I am to awaken my powers by drinking Christophe's blood.

That statement alone is enough to send shivers down my back. This isn't just something that could be, it's actually going to happen.

How can a simple girl who has never done anything spectacular in her life be about to become one of the most powerful beings on this Earth.

Whether i like it or not I don't have a choice. All my life I have been protected and now it's time for me to take my life in my hands.

Christophe asked that I wear clothes that i wouldn't mind getting dirty. By dirty he meant covered in his blood. I was to meet him in the library at midnight. I don't think the time had any significance it was more the cover of darkness that suited.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and took a mental photograph of how I looked. I was a teenager bordering on a woman I was pretty in an understated way. What would drinking blood do to me? Would I look different?

One last glance and then i headed to the library. It was now or never.

Entering the library i noticed that there were hundreds of candles that decorated the room as the only source of light. On a table sat a solid gold knife the same one from my dreams. Coincidence, i think not. It had to be all connected.

I heard Christophe approaching before i saw him and thankfully i was momentarily saved from my thoughts.

Christophe appeared with a black cloak wrapped around him and when I looked to his feet they were bare. My mind raced with thoughts: was he naked underneath there? Why was he wearing a cloak and again why was he wearing a cloak?

"Since you clearly cannot keep your thoughts to yourself:the cloak i put on was for your benefit. I also like my clothes and i do not wish to get blood on them but i do not think me walking about naked would be appropriate either so i settled with the cloak purely for ease of access but if you're not bothered then i guess it is not needed."

Christophe flung the cloak onto a nearby chair and the blood rushed to my face how could i still forget he could hear me? I didn't want him thinking i cared about any of his attire so i tried to steer the conversation to something different.

"That knife...i have seen it in my dreams."

"I know. It's a ceremonial knife from our kind. It has been passed down our generations for thousands of years. Since we haven't had many of our kind transitioning in the last hundred years or so i came into possession of it."

I only really heard half of what Christophe said: it was difficult to concentrate when a man who isn't entirely disgusting is half naked in front of you.

More than that though he had some interesting symbols painted on his bare chest and down his abs. The same symbols that i saw in my dreams.

I had to really concentrate to pull my thoughts together as well as not let them escape freely for Christophe to hear. I was sure he could sense my awkwardness but if he did he didn't react.

He made his way intensely to me brows drawn together as if he was on a mission. When we were toe to toe he handed me the knife. It took my full willpower not to step away from him, he was invading my personal space. The energy between us was electric our faces almost touching and then he spoke:

"Are you ready for this Rose?"

I couldn't avoid his gaze it was impossible without looking down at my feet which wasn't an option. He called me by my name.

It felt right what i was doing like eventually i understood where my life was heading. The jigsaw that was my life was taking shape and i had the final piece right in front of me all i had to do was put it in place.

"What must i do?"

"You have to take the knife and cut me then drink my blood. My essesence"

I could feel sickness rise in the back of my throat. It was time to really dig deep.

"Where should I cut?"

My eyes made there way to his bare chest but Christophe extended his arm and gestured that i should cut there.

"There are many direct arteries in the body but the ones in the wrist are less... personal. Dont worry i wont bleed to death my blood doesn't beat around my body as quick as yours. I do however feel pain but i can dull the senses. I trust you."

As i held his wrist in one hand and the knife in the other i could feel the slow pulse in his wrist. It was so slight and delicate. I could do this.

Christophe would hardly feel anything and he wouldn't die. I placed the knife on his wrist and sliced ever so gently down his arm. I held my breath as Christophe exhaled and closed his eyes.

Nothing happened for what seemed like minutes but then the faint colour of red began to swell up from the cut. I looked up at Christophe who was concetrating and taking deep breaths.

I knew what i had to do but as the blood slowly began to trickle down his arm my body went into fight or flight mode.

I should never had feared as Christophes hand went to the back of my head and he starred willingingly into my eyes. It was the most intimate gesture i have ever had with a man and one i would never forget.

"I trust you"

His faith in me gave me the will power to lower my head down to the wound on his arm. I let my lips cover the cut and trying not to think, i sucked.

His blood tasted of metal and i fought the urge to pull away as Christophes hand rested on the back of my head. He squeezed gently everytime i sucked. His breath was becoming ragged and his hand tightened. Eventually Christophe spoke:

"That is enough Rose"

I pulled away from Christophe and took a moment to centre myself as i felt dizzy. In one fluid moment Christophe was away from me and was tending to the wound on his arm. The sudden break of our energies made me feel hollow.

I waited for something to happen but it didnt. I walked over to the mirror above the fireplace and looked at my reflection. There was blood at the sides of my mouth and i wiped it away with the back of my hand.

I didnt feel anything for what seemed like a lifetime then a blinding light shone into my eyes which at first thought was the sun rising, but when it grew and my eyes began to burn, i collapsed to the floor.

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