Chapter 25

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It was really quite exhilarating the speed at which Christophe was driving. The mix of adrenaline and energy was an intoxicating mix. Too many times did I turn to look at Christophe willing him to look back to acknowledge the feelings that were bouncing between us.

His hands gripped the steering wheel and even if he didn't look at me I knew he was feeling it.

"Magnus shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Christophe frowned and the amazing mix of energies began to take a turn towards suffocating anger. Instead of being overwhelmed I simply pushed it away. Unfortunately it meant I felt nothing. It felt sadly cold, blocking Christophe out. If I wasn't careful I could easily become an addict.

"Did you have to destroy the house?"

This was an unexpected twist.

"I did what I had to do"

"That was your grand plan?"

How dare he question me. I saved our asses. Why was he acting so ungrateful? Men.

"Seriously? You want to argue about the plan that saved us?"

Christophe rolled his eyes and I tried so hard to contain the rage inside me. Fighting fire with fire only creates more fire.

"That house has stood for hundreds of years and in a matter of minutes you destroy part of it. Do you not realise how important that house is to me, to us? You can be so careless sometimes!"

I had taken on the scariest Enki either of us had ever come in contact with. I would be damned if I let him get away with this.

"Stop the car."


"Stop the car."

"Don't be stupid. Who knows if we are being pursued or not."


I flung the door open.

"Rose don't you dare."

Oh I dared alright. I felt the car slow down as Christophe prepared for what ever would happen next. I waited until the car slowed down to thirty then hurled myself out of the car and into the nearby bushes. I hit the ground hard but the adrenaline numbed the pain. I heard the car screech to a halt and the hurried footsteps of Christophe come towards me.

Strong hands grabbed me around the waist and lifted me to my feet. Christophe spun me around so I was face to face with him, his arm around my waist holding me tight against him.

"You silly woman! You could have hurt yourself."

My head started to pound as the blood rushed towards a cut in my forehead. I pushed myself away from Christophe and though his grip was tight I managed to break free.

I didn't have a plan but I began to walk along the road away from the car.

"Rose where are you going?"

Truthfully I didn't know.

"You dare walk away from me!"

It was the way he said it that made me turn around. It was like he had some kind of claim on me. I stormed towards him ready for war.

"How dare I? Do you realise what I've been through? Left by a man I thought was my father, exposed to a world I knew nothing about, betrayed by a man I thought cared for me, lied to by almost everyone I have ever known and attacked by my biological father. The question should be: how dare you!"

I stood nose to nose with Christophe my fists clenched. I was ready to punch him in his ridiculously handsome face. I was close enough to feel the tremble of his anger. One of his hands grabbed me around the waist the other cupped my jaw and pulled my lips to his.

Energy exploded from his lips into mine. In response I grabbed his face and pushed back into him. The kiss lasted what seemed like forever. It was as if a tap had been turned on, my emotions were over flowing.

Reluctantly we parted, both breathing heavily. I opened my eyes to find his staring back at me. He kissed me softly on the lips.

"Please don't run away from me again."

His words made me never want to leave him again.

"I promise."

Christophe kissed me again.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"I never intended for all this to happen. I should have protected you better. Your safety was entrusted to me and I failed you."

I held his face and kissed him again.

"You haven't failed me. Don't think like that. It was inevitable it would come to this. We didn't have a choice."

"Thank you Rose."

"What to we do now?"

A thousand thoughts ran through my head. One stood out. Christophe and i together. Although I felt the heat warm my cheeks I let him hear my thoughts. There would be no secrets between us now. I looked up into his face and saw that rare, one of a kind smile.

"An eternity with you? That would require your father to stop the pursuit".

I smiled back at him then laid my head on his chest.

"How do we do that?"

Christophe's lips pressed on my forehead sending a rush of warmth through my body.

"I think it's about time you met your mother."


Perhaps it was.

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