Chapter 8

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We have hardly spoken in two days. To say i have been avoiding Christophe would be an understatement. Truth be told the blood issue was one step too far. I have been absolutely tremendous in what i have had to endure the past few days but this, this is too much.

What is Christophe thinking!? I feel like i am stuck in some kind of teen vampire spin off show except its reality not fiction. Does he really think i am going to drink blood? It is utter ridiculousness to even suggest it!

So in true teenager fashion i have locked myself in my room only leaving to use the bathroom. Last night Christophe knocked on the door but i never responded. I let him know i didn't want to be bothered with my thoughts and i know for a fact he would be listening. Now that i am aware of his abilities its becoming easier to feel his presence in my head it feels like an interruption in my thoughts. The one thing i can't do is block him out but i am getting good at filling my head with lots of random thoughts so that he is overwhelmed and stops listening.

As much as i am angry i do realise that Christophe is just the messenger. It doesn't make it any easier to take. He has been leaving soup at my door at meal times, at first i refused to eat it but as the hunger pangs struck i began to feed myself. The soup was pretty terrible but when you are that hungry anything would taste amazing.

I was beginning to feel comfortable in my room now that i have made a few tweaks. The time away from Christophe was productive in allowing me to unpack my bags and decorate my room. My bed is now covered in my pillows and throws and surrounding my bed is a fly net that i use for seclusion. A lot of the furniture in the room is antique and after a quick dust they look spectacular. All my clothes and shoes are packed neatly away as are all my books.

I have spent hours re reading one of my favorite books Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. I tried not to run too many parallels with my current situation. Was i or would i become a monster? I highly doubt Christophe would call himself a monster but what would Joe normal say? Curiosity got the better of me and i started to read more of the diaries that Christophe gave to me when i first arrived here.

I have slowly began to piece together some of the Enki history. There are several family trees but they are long and complicated. I have tried to look for my family name but they are not in any of the diaries. I am clueless to how my father knew of Christophe or Christophe knew of my father. More to the point who am i descendant from? Does that mean that my father is Enki? If only the purest bloodline can become Enki then he must be but then why keep it hidden from me?

Whether i like it or not i am going to have to face Christophe if only to get answers to all these burning questions.


On the morning of the third day boredom got the best of me and i decided that my strop was over. I cannot survive on soup for the rest of my life i want something more substantial.

I make my way back along the corridors and notice that some of the rooms have been cleaned and the furniture restored. Christophe has been very busy. I head towards Christophe's office assuming that he'll be there, i pause outside the door and lift my hand to knock but then i remember he probably heard me from a mile away so i walk in instead.

I guessed correctly as i opened the door and Christophe looks at me intently without giving anything away to how he is feeling. He signals for me to sit.

"To what do i owe this pleasure?"

I cringe. He is all undertones of sarcasm.

"So if this is going to work then let's start with the basics: food. My dad may have been a bit flaky but he never missed a meal. You however have only provided soup and terrible soup at that."

Christophe leans back in his chair and crosses his hands together.

"You look like you've managed"

I try to hide my frustration but it isn't easy to hide emotion from Mr Mind Reader.

"Yes i have. Managed. However i don't think i can survive on soup till the end of my days."

I cannot believe i am having to ask for food like a child. Did he really think i could survive on soup? I bet he has been dining like a king as well.

"I do not eat Miss Renoit. When you slow down your aging you have little need for food."

"Thank you for reading my mind, sir. If you listened to my pre thought you would know that i feel as though you are treating me like a child. I am 18 in a week. The legal systems says that i am a certified adult. So if you wouldn't mind i'd like a little less child and a little more respect."

Christophe smiles which takes me by surprise as his smiles are few and far between.

"Back when i was your age i wouldn't have dreamed of speaking to anyone like you have just spoke however i find it quite refreshing. I haven't been trying to treat you like a child, i have given you the space you needed in order to absorb all that we've talked about. You are human and the urge to be fed and watered would have brought you to me at some point. I forget that you need to eat regularly as my body functions are so slow that i rarely need to sustain myself. There is a village not far from here where you can pick up a few essentials. I have a car in the garage that i can drive you in."

I smile as i gain a small sense of achievement. For the first time in two days i'll be in the company of my fellow man. And hopefully my mobile will start to work! Christophe wasn't finished though:

"No one in the village knows who we are or where we are staying. We need to pass as tourists and not draw too much attention to ourselves. Do not talk to anyone that you do not have to. I cannot stress how much i need you to contain yourself."

Contain myself? And we're back to being pupil and teacher. I say sarcastically:

"No problem, Sir"

I mock bow and leave to get changed. I am hit with a very normal dilemma: What to wear when you have to be low key but the sun is also shining outside. Raiding my now tidy wardrobe i settle with a white strap top, ripped jeans and converse. Its a little showy but wouldn't it be more odd if i was to wrap myself up in the height of summer?

Christophe has said he would meet me out front in the car. As i push open the front doors i am momentarily stunned to see Christophe standing next to a nifty black sports car. There is no way we are riding into the village without turning a few heads. I walk up to the car and notice Christophe is watching me, no frowning at me.

"I thought i said to contain yourself?"

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