Chapter 40

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For a moment there is silence. I float above my body, light and air swirling round me, creating masses of energy. I look at the scene before me. Magnus on top of me, my body limp. The figure from the corner of the room is floating in front of me, human but very unhuman at the same time. It is as if the shape takes human form only to appear that way, not because it is. I reach out to it, ignoring the uncomfortable scene before. A hand forms in front of me, consisting of an unknown matter. Our fingers entwine. Energy slowly passes from it, to me. My body seems almost transparent, and I watch as the energy travels through my blood vessels, lighting them up as if they were on fire. Slowly it travels to my heart and there is a pause, before my heart explodes in my chest. Burning pours from every pore in my body, yet I feel no pain.

The figure slowly starts to dissolve into me, increasing the burning coursing through my body. Then all returns to silence.

Now we are one

At lightening speed I am delivered back into my body. My eyes flash open.

Magnus pauses, a look of shock on his face. I cannot control myself, there is someone else taking the wheel, another me.

"Get off me".

Even my voice feels strange, ethereal. I can feel the poison in my body, keeping my body stationary. I force it out of my pores, and it floats all around the two of us as if gravity no longer exists.

Magnus stares at me in horror.

The burning coursing through my veins pounds in my head and I turn the tap and let whatever it is out of me.

Magnus draws back as my body floats towards the ceiling. Then the air shifts. I release the energy, and flames pour out of me, everything explodes. Metal flies through the air, walls peel and darken. I look at Magnus as his beautiful long hair chars and his skin turns black.

The door flies open and Tharn attempts to fight through the flames. He sends a ball of energy my way but it hits the flames surrounding me and dissolves. His clothes catch fire and begin to melt off his body. He turns and runs. Clever.

But this thing inside me is angry. It wants revenge. It was justice. I feel the build up before I see it. Another fire fueled explosion, this time at atomic proportions. I feel like a pawn in a war I'm not sure how to control.

The entire building is destroyed, flames reaching up to the sky, taking no prisoners. I look for Magnus. He is in pain and I cannot help but feel for him. There is movement from underneath some rubble and he emerges, completely naked. Every inch, every muscle outlined by black.

He reaches out to me, and I feel his need for me.

But my other side, it isn't finished. Another explosion propels me upwards and Magnus backwards, flying through walls and debris.

I am out of control, but at the same time, so incredibly powerful. I see the carnage around me and I am in awe of my power. Whether it was mine or whoever I am bonded to, I wasn't sure. One thing I did know was I would never be a prisoner again.

My body fills up with energy again, and I am suprised that it doesn't yield. I start to take control. I feel the explosion coming and I focus it.

However it controls me, and I brace for another monumental explosion.

Something catches my eye from the side, and a force attacks me, it's arms wrapping around my body, holding me in an embrace. The inner me rages.

We land roughly on the burnt floor, together. Ash flies around us.

I draw the power into me to push this foreign body away, but a familiar pulse courses through my body. The sweetest energy.

I look into the face of my attacker that  rises to meet me. My heart explodes, this time completely human.


I reach for him and he embraces me in a hug. I kiss him. Relief from all the time apart floods over me. I feel another kind of burn in my body and he responds, deepening the kiss.

"Rose". He breaths out.

He grasps my face in his hands and I cannot believe how utterly beautiful he looks. I feel his energy explore me. It feels weaker than before, but still it fills me up.

My love, you must stop this.

I look up at him and I smile, overwhelmed with love.

I don't know how

He kisses me softly on the lips.

Just let it go. Let it all go. Switch it off.

I look at him and he nods encouragingly. The energy in me is ready for further destruction. I close my eyes and I focus. I find the source and I try to shut it off. I visualise putting it in a box.

It works. The energy is sucked back in, but I feel empty and weak. Like I've exhausted every single part of me.

Christophe holds me tight, kissing my head, cheeks, lips, neck. He fills me with his love.

"Its okay Rose, you are back".

I was back? Where did I go?

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