Chapter 30

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Was all I could say. A lot flashed through my mind. The way that Magnus had reacted when he discovered that Christophe had transitioned me, my mother's friends reaction to how close we were. The way they were shocked and surprised. I had thought that maybe they were jealous or were suprised that an older man was interested in me. Now I see that they were shocked that he had put my life completely at risk, and he knew it.

I stood up in the tippee and tried to keep my emotions calm. I wasn't going to jump to conclusions like my mother had done. Yet, I was hurt to think that this man who has professed to care for me, should keep me completely in the dark. Maybe he did deserve the punishment reaped upon him by my mother.

Rose are you okay? I don't want to intrude but I'm sensing something is wrong.

My mother looks at me and I knew she knew that we had exchanged a conversation.

"I trust you to deal with him based on the facts I have put before you. I know you love him. The feelings between you are palpable. Don't let your feelings confuse you. If you don't trust me then trust your instinct. I knew your father was abusing me, but I let it go on and on until it was obvious. Do not wait until it is obvious  Taqeph".

I walk out of the tippee and I find Christophe standing out in the open, the three woman around him, almost predatory. My mother must have summoned them. My instinct was to attack them, to get them away from him, but my mother was right, I had to remain objective, listen to the facts and follow my instinct.

"Ladies you can leave him alone. He is isn't going to cause me any harm".

At least I knew that for sure. If Christophe wanted me harmed he had plenty opportunity to. He risked his life bringing me to my mother, I couldn't just brush that aside. How to start?

"Christophe, I want you to explain to me everything. I want to give you the opportunity to tell me in your own words. Let's start with how you came to know my mother?"

Rose, must we do this in front of everyone?

"Please Christophe, speak out in the open. There will be no more secrets."

I expect him to insist, he had done so in the past.

"Okay. No more secrets... there was a man. A very close friend of mine. The one who transitioned me. His name was Jean Luc and he was the greatest man you will ever know".

I can see pain in Christophe's eyes but I let him talk.

"He taught me all that I know. You must have read about him in my diaries. The ones that I gave you to read?"

"Yes, I remember, but I read that he passed away?"

"Passed away sounds passive, like it was out of his control. He wanted to die. He was sick of the Enki, he came to dislike the power we had because of the corruption it caused. You can be sure that any natural disaster, any terror attack and large scale disruption was caused by an Enki. Every supreme head of state was Enki. We are everywhere. The clever Enki learn to live amongst humans as one of them and to hide their powers. The stupid use it for their own gain. Be sure that Government know we exist because we are the strings that rule the world. For now we are hidden but it is only a matter of time before the world rejects us like our mother did."

All this revelation and I wanted more, I was hungry for it. It made sense the world now. I always knew that there were bigger players in the mix, would have I guessed that it was my kind? No.

"The only way an Enki can die is by his own hand with a ceremonial dagger".

"Like the one I cut you with?"

"The exact one. It's been on the Earth for as long as we have. It can give life but it can take away".

"But you said that Enki can only die by their own hand?"

"Sadly yes. Jean Luc pierced his life source and it ended him".

"His heart?"

Christophe nods and I can feel the overwhelming sadness that comes from him. It infects me and I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I want to go to him, comfort him.

"He didn't leave me alone. Over his many years on this Earth he had created a sort of census of our kind. Hundreds of Enki that he personally had met. Some just their name as cameras weren't a thing for centuries.  He also documented their animal".

"The Eagle?"

"Not all of us bond with an Eagle, it just depends on what nature gifts you. You too will eventually bond with an animal. The thing is though, Jean Luc didn't teach me how before he died. So I followed the diaries he had written, which I then continued. I was led to an Egyptian tome. That was when I discovered your mother. Jean Luc had talked about an Egyptian goddess but hadn't made the comparison between choosing your bonded animal and her. I spent years searching for Calista, your mother. Then I found her or she found me".

My mother chooses this point to join us though I'm sure she has been following the conversation. She seems impassive but I can feel her dislike for him.

"Yes Christophe you found me and my women. Disrupting our way life. Laying with them".

I felt a knot in my stomach. Christophe, my Christophe had been with one or several of these predatory women.

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