Christophe's Diary

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I have her back. Thank the mother I have her. Though she has changed.

Her energy is different, our link has weakened. I have never heard of that happening, it was either all or nothing. She keeps surprising me, and not always in a pleasant way.

I've been watching her closely, trying hard not to probe her thoughts but sometimes when she sits in quiet reverie I push. Of course it's like hitting a brick wall. It's as if she doesn't even notice.

Her power has grown far beyond my own, Calista's and perhaps even her father's. Apart from our initial embrace on her self created battlefield, she has withdrawn from both physical or metal connection. I cannot put my finger on it. She looks out of the window at Hornwood as if she is missing something, but as far as I was aware all she needed was here. Something happened to her in that place, and it pains me to think it.

I couldn't protect her. Calista was right. I had deliberately put her life in danger by turning her Enki and now she will barely look at me. I hate that Tharn managed to abduct her. Calista had arrived straight away after I was impaled. It had taken me days to heal, though I tried to leave earlier.

We bonded Calista and I on those days, her because she was too fearful to follow her husband back to the place she was abused and me because I had let her get taken. We realised that there were parts of us still very human and weak. Once I healed I had come straight away, but there was no way that I could get in. Not without my Enki powers. So I waited. Waiting for the opportune moment to attack. Of course I didn't have to wait long. The first explosion was deafening. At first I thought it some kind of miracle from the mother... then I saw her.

Rose, light glowing from every pore. So utterly beautiful and terrifying at the same time. A second explosion came. Fire danced around her, buring everything in her path. I saw Magnus. He was black with the fire but he was old and strong, it would take a lot to inhibit Magnus. Yet Rose looked like a woman on a war path, completely unlike herself. What did he do to deserve her wrath?

When Rose went for the third explosion I knew it had to stop. I did what any man would do, I reached out and held her with everything I had, Enki and human. The way she wrapped herself around me drove me mad for need of her. In a more private setting...

After I found the strength to pull away from her she began to turn strange. The energy that had flowed, completely drained away. Leaving her vulnerable and weak. I carried her away from the scene and into my car.

It was Calista I turned to. What had happened was completely out of my depth. Nothing I had read could even begin to describe how the scene played out.

We decided that the best place for her was somewhere out of the way, familiar. Hornwood seemed the best option. There was no immediate fear of Tharn showing up. The fact that for the first time ever he had run from a fight proved that Rose was something much more serious than first thought. Tharn was the most powerful Enki still living. If he couldn't control Rose, then no one could. He would take time to come up with a plan, perhaps allow Magnus to heal, before attempting another kidnapping. We were safe... maybe.

Of course we couldn't take risks. Calista's woman patrolled the grounds and with mind link we would know if he was near instantaneously.

I was worried about Rose being taken again.. but I was more worried about the effect her imprisonment and subsequently her escape.

I write now as I watch her stare aimlessly out of the window. I wish that there was something I could do or say to make it better. It will take time. She may not be physically injured but her soul was and that takes a little more time to heal.

What I did know was once she was back to her normal strength, would I be at risk too? Would Calista? Would the world?

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