Chapter 47

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Magnus and I run like cheetahs chasing gazelles. Blink, and you would miss us. Naturally, Magnus took the lead as he knew where to go, but he let me into his thoughts so I knew what our next move was. There was something exhilarating about us moving together. We were like dancers in perfect sync. It would never stop to amaze me how I could use so much energy and yet not feel exhausted. I could be leading to certain death, and I had questions.

I stopped instantly, running up the side of the tree and landing gently on my feet. Magnus had already stopped within a second, having read my mind. He turned back to me with the smile that I knew well. Maybe in an alternative universe, I would have swooned at it. Unfortunately, there was too much between us.

"You have questions, my love?"

"Who knows what we are heading towards Magnus. I have to know everything. I need to know what I am and what I'm fighting for."

"So you plan on fighting then?"

I look at him, guarding my thoughts.

"I'm not against you, Magnus. This happened to me, it wasn't a choice. "

He nods, and I get a feeling he isn't fully trusting of my intentions. I rest against the tree and slide down, crossing my legs. Magnus sits, facing me.

"Rose, we really don't have long. Your father isn't just physically powerful. He has spies everywhere and not just of the Enki kind. If he knows we have hesitated, he will think we are trying to devise a plan against him."

"He won't kill my dad Magnus".

"Oh really, what makes you say that."

"Because it's the only thing he has to leverage against me. My mother and Christophe are miles away. You are part of the plan. If he kills my dad, then what reason would I have to want to be near him at all?"

Magnus looks at me impressed and nods.

"Not just a pretty face, then?"

I hit him playfully and feel it on my own chest.

"Magnus, have you ever been sealed before me?"

He shakes his head.

"No, Enki can be sealed only once. Considering we can only die by our own hand and a sealing is for eternity, you have to choose your partner carefully."

"You are what? A thousand years old? You have never met anyone before me?"

"Of course I have. Amahle has been with me for over 500 years."

"But you chose me."

Magnus does not respond.

"Do you really believe in what Tharn wants? Do you think that Enki should live on. By any means possible?"

Magnus does not respond again.

"Magnus, I need to know these things before I face my father. If the mother's prophecy is true, my destiny is to destroy us all."

"The mother created us. The protectors of Earth. I do believe she would not want us to end."

"Magnus, she is in me. She very much wants to end us. My question is, why? What have you done that is so bad that she would want to end all your lives?"

"Isn't it clear?"

Magnus, if anything, was the most frustrating male I had ever met.

"No, it isn't. I barely know anything about being Enki. It seems like a dream. We have so much power, and yet we don't. The mother dislikes influence, that much I know. Any Enki that strays from their purpose is an enemy to the Mother. You do not have to tell me how old she is. I feel it. She was there. There for the formation of the earth."

The mothers energy builds in me. I see it all. How the earth was formed through elements. The introduction of water, land, animals, agriculture, and then Enki. A beautiful snapshot of Earth.

I remember the bible from school. The 6 days of work and the seventh day of rest. It wasn't accurate or at least misinterpreted. The earth was made in stages, lasting years. The mother, she was not alone. There was a beautiful entity that she would not allow me to see.

The vision was abruptly stopped. Magnus was by my side.

"Rose, you are beautiful. The Mother's light shines in you. I have waited my whole life to meet you. Now I have you. I feel so completed. Regardless of destiny, I know you are not here to destroy me."

He reaches out to me. All thoughts, all emotions. He touches my cheek as he kisses me so fully. I feel a need to meet his. Our energies are like fireworks, beautiful, exciting. I return his kiss with equal need. Eventually, I pull away from him. He holds my hand. A beautiful smile across his face.

"Rose, you are mine. My wife. My partner for life. Whatever the future holds, that will never change."

I kiss him again. A feeling rises in me that I had tried to sedate for so long. Magnus releases me unwillingly.

"Rose, my love, we have to attend to other matters."

I sigh deeply.

"Magnus, must we?"

He shines his devilish smile and pulls me close for another kiss.

"My love, we must. Once we find an agreement with Tharn, he will let us leave. I know it."

I find hope in his words.

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