Chapter 21

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I regarded his face as he walked towards me. His eyes were a deep black like mine. His lips were a dark shade of pink like mine. His hand lifted and stroked my chin.

"My look just like your mother."

I woke up with a jerk and Christophe flew up from the floor in an instant.

"What is it?"

I took a few deep breaths.

"Nothing. Just a dream."

Christophe looked me over then sat on the corner of the bed.

"What was it about?"

After our moment earlier when i was cradled into him something had changed between us. The awkwardness was gone. We had both relaxed. I guess from his prospective he didn't have to keep secrets from me anymore. I on the other hand saw him differently. I hadn't quite worked out in what way because frankly it scared me. I felt that i could open up to him.

"My father."

Christophe pondered.

"Do you think it was him? Do you think he can communicate with me? Even from a distance?"

"Who knows what the bond of blood can do...i can feel you from miles away..."

I felt the heat rise to my face.

"Or he is close by."

I could see a brief moment of panic cross Christophe's face.

"No, we would know if he was near."

I pushed the duvet off and made my way to the bathroom to soak my face with water. It was oddly warm in the small room. I unlocked a window in the bathroom and pushed it open. Through the darkness of night I could see large black clouds loom over us. A sharp bolt of lightning lit up the sky and landed just outside the house leaving a burn mark on the lawn.

I pulled away from the window and turned to Christophe who was by my side. I couldn't tell if the energy pulsing in the room was from the weather or from us.

"I think there is a storm coming."

Christophe looked up at the dark clouds and searched the grounds of the house. He frowned deeply.

"I think you may be right. Lock the window."

I could feel Christophe's heart beat slightly faster. Something wasn't quite right. I looked into his eyes.

"What is it?"

He paced back and forth between the bathroom and the bedroom. The energy bounced and filled up the room. I let it flow through me and back out again. It would have choked me otherwise.

"I've never met another who was capable of it."

I was becoming exasperated with him speaking in riddles.

"Christophe...hit out with it!"

"I have met your mother. She is old...very old and powerful. Your father he is also very powerful. Powerful enough to control the weather."

Ah okay. Hence the storm. Oh.

"Why would my father want to create a storm over us?"

"The electric current of the lightening would block any energy radiating from him. He is clever."

I looked out the window again. The storm was beginning to pick up. The surrounding trees were like straws as the wind battered them about. The rain began to pour and smash against the window.

"So we run?"

"That's what he wants. As soon as we leave the building that's when we are weak. He knows that there is another living here. He won't want to involve her and out himself. Unfortunately I'm afraid we may have put her in harms way."

My heart sinks. She was like the gran i could have had. I couldn't let anything happen to her. This was my battle not hers. It wasn't even Christophe's yet he was still here.

"I'll go out and meet him."

"Not an option Rose."

"He won't harm me but he may harm you and her. I cannot risk that. You've already been amazing."

Christophe swiftly grabbed me by the arms and pulled me towards him. I was frozen in place, my mind racing thinking of his next move.

"I swore to protect you Rose. I will not let you give yourself up to him. You cannot comprehend what he will do to you."

I couldn't speak. It was difficult having this much contact with him. I just stared into his eyes. His hand moved towards my cheek and i followed it. Half way there he stopped and moved to the other side of the room. My heart crushed against my chest. This was bad.

"We will stay here and wait him out. He will not be able to contain this for long."

I honestly didn't think I would be able to stay in this room for much longer. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I kick myself for not hearing her coming. The look on Christophe's face said the same thing. We were distracting each other. Something we couldn't afford to do.

"Come in."

The sweet old woman walked into the room and eyed us suspiciously. Christophe at the other side of the room turned away and me with a burning face.

"Sorry to interrupt you both. It looks like we are in for a bad storm tonight. This house has stood through worse so you shouldn't worry but just in case please stay away from the windows."

I smiled at her sweetly. If only she knew.

She turned to leave as a stone the size of a fist flew past me and crashed into the wall inches from her face. She collapsed out of shock and Christophe was by her side holding her up before she hit the ground.

My gaze followed the path it had came from and out of the smashed window. Far in the distance between trees i saw a shadowed figure. I knew it was Magnus. Anger rose up in me and i fought to gain control.

Christophe turned gesturing for me to take the woman. I shook my head. I could see Christophe struggle with the energy that i was putting out. I looked into his eyes and knew what i had to do.

"Rose don't you dare!"

I turned towards the smashed window and began to run.

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