Chapter 23

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I shook Christophe desperately. Tears coming to my eyes.

"Please Christophe come back to me."

I could feel Magnus drawing closer. I felt myself giving in.

A hand reached up and touched my cheek. Christophe looked deep into my eyes.

"Don't give up. We will get through this."

At the speed of lightning Christophe grabbed my hand and was pulling me back towards the hotel. At first i thought we would go back inside but instead we detoured around the building.

The cool air was whipping at our faces as we sped past the hotel and into the nearby woods. I had never felt more alive being by Christophe's side.

Are you ready to run for your life?

I looked into his eyes and i felt myself melt. I knew in that moment i would do anything for this man.

We ran through the night hand in hand for miles. There was no option but to keep going. I was living off Christophe's energy and he was living of mine. I felt like I was on fire.

When dawn approached we began to burn out. We needed to find somewhere safe to stop. There was no way to tell if we were being pursued.

We halted suddenly and Christophe turned to me.

"Do you trust me?"


"Stay here don't move. I will be back shortly. Wait for me."

It happened so quickly that i wasn't sure what i saw.

Christophe's arms flew backwards and began to sproat beautiful golden brown feathers. His handsome face pushed out into a yellow beak. His eyes narrowed into small black dots. His clothes ripped and tore into several pieces and lay on the ground.

My body went into shock and was momentarily paralysed. I wasn't disgusted but I was taken back by the sheer beauty. He made for a stunning Eagle.

As his wings began to pick up speed for take off the gust swept me off my feet. I lay on my back as i watched him ascend. It was a sight I'd never forget.

I lay on the ground long after he had flown away. My eyes shut trying to process what i had just witnessed. He was magnificent.

I looked up into the sky and watched as dawn approached. My mind began to wander in this moment of peace.

Being away from the energy of Christophe gave me space to gather my thoughts and feelings together. We both have come a long way since the day we met.

After the blood ceremony everything changed. We were connected body and soul. My feelings for him had changed and i could no longer deny it. 

Magnus had mentioned love. I wasn't sure if that was it. It felt more intense than that. When i thought he was dead i felt a part of me die. Maybe that was love.

I was interrupted by the call of an eagle and shortly after Christophe landed beside me. I sat up and regarded him as he flapped his wings.

I'd never seen an eagle this close before. I didnt realise that they were so big. I cautiously stretched out my hand and stroked the feathers on his head. They were silky smooth.

He inclined his head and pushed it against my hand. It was a very intimate moment and i felt myself blush.

After a while he began to squak and pointed his beak behind me. I turned to look and felt a breeze rush around me. Frightened i swiftly turned back to find a completely naked Christophe crouched on the ground.

My head pivoted like an owl back round and i could feel my face burn in embarrassment.

I'm sorry Rose i can't stay in animal form for long. I will go in the search of clothes.

Christophe talking to me in our secret way was far too intimate. I decided to keep my back to him and not respond. It may look childish but it was all i could do in my shock.

There was silence for what seemed like forever. Was he gone? I slowly turned my head, my eyes squinting just in case. Thankfully I was alone.

After the embarrassment had faded i began to get slightly miffed. He must have known what would happen! Surely he could have warned me?

More importantly he hadn't told me if we were safe! I suppose i am just to assume that we are?

The sun was now fully in the sky and i estimated that it was about eight in the morning. We both hadn't slept yet and i could feel the tiredness hit me like a brick wall.

I lay back down on the grass and shut my eyes.

I fell asleep and awoke to the sound of grass crushing underneath shoes. I sat bolt upright in no way prepared for danger.

Just as well as i looked up into the eyes of Christophe. At least he was dressed.

"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that!"

"You should be more aware of the fact we are being followed."

He had me there. I stood up and brushed the grass from my legs.

"So what now?"

"We weren't being followed. I think we managed to lose them but it won't be long until your father tries to make contact. We have to go back to Hornwood. There we can get my car."

"Then what? We drive around for the rest of our lives in fear?"

"No we have to find someone who is will to help us. Who will be willing to go against your father."

"Who exactly would want to go up against the most powerful man we know?"

"Your mother."


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