Chapter 19

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The wind flew by me as if I was in a tornado. I focused on all the tree stumps and branches in my way in order to avoid falling. I could feel Magnus gaining on me but his bulk made him slower.

I could outrun him but to where? I had to make a choice: be on the run alone and afraid or stop and confront my fears.

I noticed a clearing up ahead and decided that this was where i would make my stand. Slowing down i positioned myself in between a group of trees so it would make it harder for Magnus to sneak behind me.

I reached out to him but was shocked to find that he was moving in the opposite direction. What was he planning?

The change of plan gave me time to regain my breath and to try and find Christophe.

Christophe are you there? Magnus has stopped chasing me I think we are safe.

I am sorry Rose.

My whole body froze and i knew the reason Magnus had stopped. He had Christophe.

I know that i should run and keep running. Christophe was meant to protect me and he had. He had managed to stop Magnus catching me. So why do I feel this overwhelming need to go back?

He is so powerful and strong he will give a good fight against Magnus or he might not...

I wasn't completely naive, I knew that it was a trap. Magnus was expecting me to turn back. He was correct.

It was possibly the most stupid thing i have ever done in my life but i couldn't leave him.

So i ran as fast as possible towards my own doom but it felt right. It wasn't just my sense of surety but as if I had the backing of someone else. Someone not physically here.

I carved my path through the trees and branches. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and i came crashing down into a thicket of bushes. The pain pulsed in me and then disappeared. I tried to stand but the pain crushed me back down. I lifted my top thinking id see a wound but there was nothing there. 

The only thing i could think of was that i was getting secondary pain from Christophe. The pain struck me again but I pushed it with all my might out of my body. The pain ebbed away and i found the strength to get up and keep running.

Clever girl.

It was Magnus...

Whatever he was doing to Christophe it had to stop. When i reached the grounds i stopped. If i was to run into the house i'd be trapped. Better to let Magnus come to me that way he'd have to stop hurting Christophe.

Like i predicted Magnus walked out of the library holding a bloody Christophe by the neck. He threw him to the ground with a thud that reverbed around the garden. I felt every bit of that thud and fell to my  knees.

Magnus laughed and it was cruel.

"Babe you are so predictable. You could have run away but you chose to run back to your precious Christophe."

I pulled myself back up.

"Are you jealous?"

Magnus let out a growl and i knew that i was right. He pushed his foot into Christophe's throat and i felt my windpipe close over. I choked trying to get air into my lungs.

"Did your precious Christophe not tell you that when he feels pain you feel pain?"

I was really becoming sick of the small talk. If he wanted me to retaliate then I would.

Reaching my hands out i put all my strength into a thrust that sent Magnus flying through the glass doors  into the library. The pieces of glass shattered around him.

Without thinking i run towards Christophe. I got half way when an energy banged into me sending me flying backwards. Landing in a heap on the grass i became winded. My back stinging like a thousand needles.

Magnus's feet crushed over the glass as he walked back out into the open.

"You know i really thought I had you wrapped around my little finger. I thought if i nurtured your power you'd be mine but now I find myself at the brunt of it."

The truth was i had been wrapped around his finger...Until he decided to throw me twenty feet into the air.  All I could do was shrug, my lungs were still drawing in gasps of air. 

"Speechless? Should I remind you of your words...'Magnus don't go'"

He was imitating my voice and i wanted to cry. How could he be so cruel?

I noticed that Christophe was moving slowly and i knew he was positioning himself to attack. All I had to do was keep him distracted.

"Was it all a lie Magnus? Did you ever like me or was it all a game?"

Emotion crossed over his face but then his steely composure returned.

"You really are something special but it was never about me babe. Even if i wanted you I couldn't have you. In fact they are just about here"

Christophe pounced on Magnus's back gripping his neck with his strong arms. He used his strength to throw him back into the library. Steadying himself and getting his breath back he ran towards me grabbing my hand.

"We need to leave, now."

I didn't hesitate i let him pull me towards the woods.

"Join your energy with mine Rose we'll move faster."

I let my walls down and let his energy flow up my arm and into my centre. Then i sent some of my own energy into him. We were bound and it felt amazing. Christophe turned to look at me and i saw something in his eyes. The feeling was so intense something I've never felt before.

I felt a pulse of energy from behind me and i looked back.

Standing at the library doors with Magnus was a tall, dark haired man. He wore a long coat and suit trousers. I felt his eyes connect with mine and I recognised them.

They looked just like mine.

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