Chapter 26

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Henry was walking the hallways late at night when he heard the sound of guards running. Curious to see what the commotion was about, he turned the corner to see for himself.

The Prince recognized one of the guards and shouted at him before he went any further. "What's the rush, John?"

John stopped and quickly turned around to answer. "You should probably come with us. Prince Ralf and Princess Karolina just returned, but they were attacked in the woods."

Henry frowned, suddenly worried. He hurried and joined the three guards as they ran all the way to the stables. Henry's first reaction was one of concern as he saw only one horse carrying both Ralf and Karolina. When Ralf dismounted he immediately turned to Karolina to help her off. Concern soon morphed into jealousy as Henry watched Karolina take Ralf's hand and hop off, standing a little too close to Ralf.

Eager to break their closeness, Henry marched forward. "What happened?" he demanded.

At the same moment King Alan and Queen Ariana arrived, their faces clearly worried.

Ralf released a sigh, ready to tell a long tale. "We were attacked by four villagers in the woods."

"Are you hurt?" Queen Ariana asked immediately.

Ralf shook his head. "I'm fine, but Karolina hurt her leg."

"Were they Lyran villagers?" King Alan asked, getting to the point. Henry knew his father needed to know the facts of the attack as quickly as possible. Henry himself was curious to know where these men were and if there were other potential threats they needed to be worried about. Henry was sure there were already several more guards protecting the castle borders.

Ralf nodded solemnly. "They were upset about the wall. Apparently it ruined their trading business with other kingdoms because they didn't have legal documentation to cross."

Ariana looked at her husband, "I can't believe Lyran citizens would try to kill their leaders over a wall that was created for their safety."

King Alan lowered his head and put a hand to his forehead, clearly exhausted. "I thought of every possible solution and this was the only one that made sense. There are too many Nieblan spies, I couldn't risk them coming back, let alone leaving with valuable information."

Ariana stood behind her husband and soothingly rubbed his back, making circular motions. "You couldn't have known this would happen. I would have thought our citizens would be more loyal."

"The majority are," Ralf commented. "But these men were angry and looking to take it out on someone."

There was a brief pause and Ariana took advantage of it. "Let's go inside, shall we? We can discuss these matters by the warmth of a fire."

Henry watched as Ralf immediately went to Princess Karolina's injured side to help her walk. Henry almost laughed to himself. Ralf was practically a cripple himself and there he was trying to assist the injured princess.

"Let me-" Henry smoothly glided in front of Ralf and took over the job of helping the Princess. Karolina looked back at Ralf with an expression Henry could not see. Jealousy prickled within Henry. Would she rather Ralf help her? The idea angered Henry and he clenched his fist tightly as he walked Karolina inside and to one of the castle's study rooms.

Inside the room was a grand stone fireplace and plenty of comfortable sofas and chairs for the group to gather on. Henry made sure he ushered Karolina to a love seat, only allowing room for the two of them. When they sat, Henry scooted closer to the Princess and took her hand in his. Princess Karolina finally looked at Henry, her beautiful dark eyes never ceased to mesmerize him.

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