Part 3

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When I started writing part 2, I thought I was close to finishing the story. But as I continued to write, new things kept popping up. So this will mark part 3, in which the story shifts toward its final conclusion. 

The war that has been slowly approaching between Niebla and Lyra is finally here. I will admit, this has been hard to write. Part 2's ending was fun to write for me. There was a lot of character development, some of which I never even expected, and I enjoyed making a few happy endings for my characters. 

But now its time for the story to shift and take its final ending. I appreciate all who have stayed along for the journey. I appreciate your patience, as there have been several long bouts of writer's block. 

I will try my best to finish up the story as quickly and efficiently as I can. No, it is still not complete, and I am still actively writing each chapter. However, I am looking forward to the ending as much as the next person. For even I do not know its final chapter! 

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