Chapter 50

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Henry wasn't good at tracking the days that went by. Most of the time he was resting, in and out of sleep while his body healed. When he was awake, Wilkin was by his side with fresh water and something to fill his empty stomach. Usually the little boy got a good chat in before his sister entered the room and became Henry's drill sergeant, guiding him through several exercises in bed that made his leg ache and his abdomen pull at the stitches.

"I know it doesn't feel like it, but exercise will be good for it, I swear," Mavis would always say. Though Henry tried his best not to complain during the exercises, his face spoke loud enough for him. In fact, he tried his hardest not to say anything negative around Mavis. He owed her his life and was starting to enjoy having her around. 

Mavis, however, seemed to be growing more determined to detach herself from Henry as much as possible. The more days that went by, the more she pulled away. The same young lady who had once cried over his lifeless body and prayed for his healing was now scorning him every chance she got. Henry wasn't positive, but he thought maybe she was scared of getting attached. After all, once Henry was healed, he would be formulating a plan to return to his kingdom. Perhaps she feared if she let herself enjoy his company she would feel the ache of his absence when he was gone.

The more Henry thought about it, the more he was certain he was wrong. Mavis had decided to hate him, and he wasn't sure why. She left the house as often as she could, leaving Wilkin to care for Henry most of the time. Where she went, he had no idea, though she always claimed she stayed close. 

Yesterday had been a great success for the Prince. He had managed to sit up at the edge of the bed all by himself, though the first minute had been dizzying. His body was used to being supine. 

Today, he forced himself to sit up as much as possible. Maybe tomorrow he would try standing. 

Mavis entered the room in a fury, frantically pulling the laundry together to go out and wash it. He wasn't sure what her rush was, but anymore whenever she came into the bedroom she made sure to leave it quickly. 

Wilkin sighed to himself, sitting on the little wooden chair by Henry's bedside. 

Henry eyed him thoughtfully. Wilkin caught him staring. "She's been in a fuss lately."

"Any idea as to why?"

Wilkin shook his head. "Not sure. Thought maybe you had said something to perturb her."

"Not that I know of," Henry replied, "though lately it seems almost anything I say upsets her."

Wilkin laughed as he fumbled with the lump of hay in his lap. Lately he had been teaching Henry how to make things with hay. Yesterday they made some balls of hay for the pigs and chickens, today Wilkin was showing him how to make hay dolls. 

"She's not good at making friends with folks," Wilkin admitted. 

Henry was about to reply, but shut his mouth as Mavis returned. Her hands were on her hips. "You two plan on doing anything useful today?"

"I'm showing him how to make hay dolls!" Wilkin said excitedly. 

Henry smiled meekly and held his up. It was a little deformed but it was the first thing Henry had ever truly made for himself. 

Mavis looked unimpressed. She turned to her brother. "You've been slacking on your chores for days now. I've been keeping up with it but I can't do both mine and yours."

For once, Wilkin looked irritated. He set his doll down gruffly and stood up, brushing past his sister roughly as he left the room. Mavis closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead. 

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